Betta with guppies?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 16, 2005
Reaction score
South wales
I read on a site that its ok to have a betta with guppies but in the newbie no no's at the top it says you can't. I am planning on keeping a betta and guppies together so who should i trust?

compatability chart
so how come these experts say you can? i'm very confused, check out my link for their chart
Dont know the answer to why that chart says its ok - I've always been led to believe it was a definite none starter.
Always been told that Bettas would attack the guppies.
Sorry thats just what i've always been told and i'll bow to greater experience as someone is bound to be on here soon who will shoot me down and tell you its fine.
so basicly I will put them together and see what happens and then I will see who's right then lol
ha-HA! i started a poll with the exact same question over in the Betta forum. it overwhelmingly say "no!" but read the replies and you'll find proponents of both sides.
from first hand experience definate NO NO.

female guppies may be okay but males are doomed if theyre with a healthy male betta. the problem is their big colourfull tail fins. the Betta thinks a male guppy is another male betta and treats it as such.

12 Gallon tank with 1 veiltail betta, 10 male guppies, 5 female guppies.

2 weeks later 1 betta 2 male guppies, 3 female guppies.

i wouldn't bother if i were you. go for small fish without big colourfull fins and you should be okay.
A definate no-no. That combination is one of the worst possible. Sorry
id have to say no as well unless you have a large tank then maybe they would keep out the way of each other but i wouldnt if i was you.
I've really had no problem when i kept my guppies and bettas together. I had to do partial tank switchero because my guppy male was being too agressive to the females. And the betta got along great with him, and the betta that went in the tank with the females was okay too.
It does depend somewhat on the individual fish but I have tried it and every time, without fail, the guppies (the males) would end up dead and I finaly gave up. Even when I thought it was working out and I had a docile betta, he'd turn around one day and shred them. I just don't think it's worth the risk. Sure, sometimes you'll get lucky and female guppies do work out most of the time and even male guppies kept with female bettas sometimes get along but it isn't worth risking your fish' lives. Don't find out the hard way. There are plenty of alternatives - such as gouramies with guppies or bettas with other livebearers.
Actualy BTW, that chart says they can 'co-exist with caution' - which is correct as you CAN usualy keep female guppies with bettas and female bettas usualy do ok with most guppies (depends though) and there are cases where even a male will get along with male guppies for a while before turning round and killing them :p

On the other hand, the chart also says that bettas are fine with gouramies and that tetras (though this is very general...) do fine with angels etc. That chart isn't particularly accurate - not to say it isn't correct most of the time - just that it's very, very general and a lot of it can be mis-interpreted. Deffinately don't base your descisions entirely off of that.

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