Betta with an eye-deformity. Should I buy?

I've never been a fan of those 'moon lights', since fish can't close their eyes, darkness is important for them to help maintain their circadian rhythm.

Thanks a lot, I saw this message just in time, and decided to switch off the blue light when I went to bed at 10.30pm.

I wonder how was Witta's first night in her new home?:fish:

@Huscarl86 you should change the title to this thread ; Witta's Adventure & New Found life ! :D

She's very active and seems very inquisitive. As soon as I got home I looked into the tank and she stopped swimming and I saw her eye lock right on me, then she swam right up to the side of the tank and flared her gills a bit at me, something that my old Betta, Wihtgar, never did.

I took a few more pics, one is from last night, and the rest this afternoon when I got home and turned the tank light on....





Also did a video...

WITTA'S First Day

Planning to swap the castle for a Sci-Fi tower to match the new Robot Dog, and also get more cover for the Cherry Shrimp.

Thanks again to everyone who participated this thread, I might not have taken her on if it weren't for you lot.
Thanks a lot, I saw this message just in time, and decided to switch off the blue light when I went to bed at 10.30pm.

She's very active and seems very inquisitive. As soon as I got home I looked into the tank and she stopped swimming and I saw her eye lock right on me, then she swam right up to the side of the tank and flared her gills a bit at me, something that my old Betta, Wihtgar, never did.

I took a few more pics, one is from last night, and the rest this afternoon when I got home and turned the tank light on....

View attachment 121905
View attachment 121906
View attachment 121907
View attachment 121908

Also did a video...

WITTA'S First Day

Planning to swap the castle for a Sci-Fi tower to match the new Robot Dog, and also get more cover for the Cherry Shrimp.

Thanks again to everyone who participated this thread, I might not have taken her on if it weren't for you lot.

I'm so pleased that she's doing so well. She really deserves to have a happy life.:fish: I know that pet owners who have fish certainly don't have the same interaction as with animals such as cats, dogs and other farm animals but I'm sure that she's grateful that you saved her.
She certainly seems very perky and aware of her new home. Moreover, she must be enjoying her new found kingdom as it's looks so inviting. :flowers: She is absolutely gorgeous.

I know a man who works for in the animal welfare dept at the local council. He told me that he adopted all the animals that nobody wanted; he has a cat who has lost a leg, another one who only has one eye etc and he says that they are by far the best companions ever as they are forever grateful.

I'm looking forward to hearing all about her and seeing the videos.

Thank you for posting.;)
She is doing very well, she zips about every square inch of the tank and loves looking at everything in there, as well as chilling out under the floating plants, and occasionally getting inside the Robot Dog...

No where near finished planting out the tank yet, but it was a hurry to get her, here are some of Witta's best pics....


Full tank...

Chilling under plants (chose this one so you can all see her funky eye)...


Evening light.... (6pm until 8pm)

She is doing very well, she zips about every square inch of the tank and loves looking at everything in there, as well as chilling out under the floating plants, and occasionally getting inside the Robot Dog...

No where near finished planting out the tank yet, but it was a hurry to get her, here are some of Witta's best pics....

View attachment 122681

Full tank...
View attachment 122682

Chilling under plants (chose this one so you can all see her funky eye)...

View attachment 122684

Evening light.... (6pm until 8pm)

View attachment 122683

Ooh she is gorgeous.

It looks like the aquarium has so many fascinating nooks and crannies for her to go adventure hunting.

I'm so pleased that she is doing well in her new home. Moreover, she looks like she's in good health.

So pleased for both of you.
@AdoraBelle Dearheart

Sorry, but I've read through that thread twice now. The fish were bought to amuse a child and then 'replaced with identical fish' when they died. That particular person definitely isn't "trying to get into the hobby" and that was pretty clearly stated. They were bought as an ornament/toy for the child.

You and I both know how much water change is going to be needed in an unfiltered 3.5 gallon tank, and I very much doubt that person or the child is going to keep on top of that, and even if they did it's going to be very bad for the fish.

Two have already died, two more will be dead within days. I'm sorry, but sometimes you just have to say "that's wrong". You cannot sow a silk purse from a Pig's ear.
I kinda just wanted to say I had a goldfish I won at a street fair when I was young his name was sunshine Nd I unknowingly kept him in a bowl with a plastic plant and marbles and he lived happily their for 5 years befor I let him go in my grandmas pond where he then grew maybe 8 to 10 inches long and lived another 4 or 5 years until he passed away from my grandma bleaching her deck and spraying it off into the pond accidentally... anyway sunshine was a happy fish he sat in the window and watched the world go by and new when it was time to eat and would smile and flutter his fins and almost look at me with his head out the water well maybe the
Head out the water is exaggeration but you get it ! sunshine, reguardless of living in a bowl half his life, I think brought me joy and I him as well
would smile and flutter his fins and almost look at me with his head out the water well maybe the
Head out the water is exaggeration but you get it !

Sure thats the only exaggeration ;)

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