New Member
I have always added a tiny bit of aquarium salt to my tanks, i dont do it every water change but here and there (since salt doesn't evaporate). It helps kill parasites, promote healthy gill function, reduces osmotic pressure, reduces stress, and helps slime coat production which further helps prevent disease(which is the main reason why i do it!) also helps with electrolytes etc. I know bettas dont normally live with salt but i do about a 1 tsp per ten gallons. Is what Ive read about aquarium salt wrong?I actually would really love your input on this, as I dont want to spread bad information.
I can provide a ton of sources which say aquarium salt is a beneficial tank additive too, but I am also newer in the hobby (only at it a little over a year) so if this is bad advice please lmk!!
haha i also realize i said the first time i add EVERY water change but i meant my big ones, I add it when i do my big water change once a month. i do 20% weekely and then at the end of the month i do a 40% and wring out my filters and do big maintenance (trimming plants, gravel vac etc) and thats when i usually add it.Why are you adding salt prophylactically?
Bettas don't normally have salt in the water and if they have been exposed to salt for a long period of time, they could have kidney failure.
Fish Tuberculosis (TB) is actually quite common, especially from fish that come out of Asia. It is unlikely to be Fish TB if your friend bred the fish.
Try not to use antibiotics in the main tank or unless you absolutely have to. There are a number of broad spectrum medications that kill bacteria, fungus and other things, and they are not antibiotics. Save the antibiotics for known bacterial infections that haven't responded to normal treatments.