Betta tankmates


New Member
Jun 21, 2005
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Well I searched around and really couldn't find a list of tank mates that would work well with a male betta. He is pretty sweet and has never really bothered anyone in previous setups I have had. I have a 10 gallon tank that I am planning to add a couple plants too. My last setup was 5 neon tetras, two cory cats, and the betta. I'd like to have the cories again as I just love them and have this betta. I just recently moved and brought the betta with me. This little guy has traveled close to 1500 miles with me and I'd like to see him have another nice setup to swim around in.
I'd suggest 4-6 pygmy cories, maybe a couple of otos or khulie loaches. The loaches and cories would appreciate a sand substrate. Platies would also work but don't over-stock and make sure you either stick to all one sex or get them in the correct ratio of at least 2 females to every male. Alternatively, most any small (because of the tank size), peaceful, non-nippy schooling fish that your betta won't harass would work. Whether your betta bullies them or not depends on his individual character so I can't say anything about that personaly - it's up to you to make the judgement - though, if he got along with those neons, he'd probably be fine.

Just to warn you - don't get guppies, gouramies or other related fish and avoid anything that's going to get over 3" or so or is too active for a 10 gallon (that cancels out mollies and swords BTW - they seem to be the next thing people think of after guppies and platies so that's why I'm mentioning them).
sylvia said:
Platies would also work but don't over-stock and make sure you either stick to all one sex or get them in the correct ratio of at least 2 females to every male.
Mmm...just be careful with that. You can't have all Platy males in there...too small, and they can be aggressive. If you have males and females, you will most likely have a LOT of fry. And they'll keep having fry, so you'll have lots and lots of Platies. If you get just females..chances are you will still have some fry, but it won't be as many. Just beware...Livebearers will quickly over-run you with fry. So make sure you have somewhere for them to go. :thumbs:
a couple of otos might be nice. I had a small algae problem in my last setup. I know the otos will take care of that if it arises again. Are they also pretty good at keeping the bottom clean as well? Not only of algae but of uneaten food?
Not in my experience. Otos usually just stick to algae. :)

The only smallish community fish that really eats uneaten food is Cories. :thumbs: And in my experience, Pgymy Cories do not eat uneaten food. They tend to stick around the middle of the tank, and swim swim swim. :p
Yeah, pygmy cories tend to spend more time in the middle layers than other cories and don't clean up the bottom. However, you are best off avoiding other cories which should realy be in a larger tank. Khulie loaches will clean the substrate a little but, otherwise, a vacuum every now and then should solve that problem.
Thanks for all the help guys. The kuhli loaches look pretty interesting. Is this info that I have found on them correct. Grow to be about 2.7 inches and group together. What would be the best number of them to have? I know my tank is pretty small and will hopefully get a larger one in a year or so once I settle in. Would 2 kuhli loaches be ok with the betta? Then maybe something else pretty small?
Yeah, they grow to about 3". They like about 5-6+ of their own kind...So I don't know how 2 would do. I'd wait for someone else to come along on that.

You might be able to have a few Cories in there instead of the Khulis, if that doesn't work out. Like Albino, or Bronze Cories. Or Panda Cories. You could ask in the Catfish section. Bettas seem to do best with fish that don't go in their space...which is usually top and middle. :)

And if you DO end up getting the Khuli Loaches, and Otos...I wouldn't add anything more. You'll pretty much be good, there.
Thanks on the Kuhli reply. If they must be kept in groups of 5-6 then just couldn't do it in the 10. Maybe when I upgrade to a larger tank (can't wait for that but need the funds first). Might end up with the albino cories, i dunno what it is but I loved those little buggers. I'm not a big live bearer fan. My first fish were swordtails and for some unknown reason just never enjoyed them, sorry swordtail fans. Also was never a big molly or platy fan.. Lol.. Guess i am just hard to please. Might go with a couple cories and the otos. We will see.. It will be a bit before I add anything to the tank. Two week or so to read up on things and decide. Thanks for all the help.
You could also try white cloud minnows, very hardy and go well with betta's. We have 3 tanks 10 gallon or less with a betta and minnows, the only problem is they are not very attractive to some people. Jst my 2cents

My mom keeps her betta in with some neons, corys, and believe it or not, serpae tetras. He is good natured, but I hear it depends on the individual fish whether they are good in community tanks.

I agree, no nippy fin types in with bettas and something that will swim at lower levels (maybe not the white clouds or danios then?). Also, not something that may have flowy fins itself and bring out aggression in him. Neons tend to stay around the bottom. Corys too.

I am considering a betta with some black neons when I redo the 10g. Haven't made up my mind.

about 2-3 clown loaches. they wont bother bettas if you give them a cave or a place to hide. 2 or 3 swordtails do the trick but make sure you get a female other wise the males try to rear their swords into each other. :*
I think Clown Loaches are going to be a bit big for her tank. :)

And with Swordies, you have to be careful. If you get just females, you will most likely be over-run with fry. Males, as mentioned, will not go together. And still, that tank may be a little on the small side for Swordies. When they are younger, it could work, but eventually it will be too small for them.

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