Betta Tank #4

Warning: below is a tale of extreme woe.
I was studying until 5.30am and, because I didn't want to disturb Castiel with my light, I had put a towel over his tank. That is probably why I didn't hear the distinct trickle of leakage. I must have knocked the flow wheel on his filter because it was spurting right up to the top of the tank and water was coming out at the edges of the lid. I got up to get a drink and realised that the floor looked damp. On further inspection, the whole towel was drenched and the floor all around the tank was soaked. When I lifted the towel, I found the tank like this:

Yes, I know, it could have been worse. And I'm glad I found it before the water level got below the heater. But it's still a good 3 inches - as the water level goes up beyond the end of the visible glass. I calculated the capacity of water lost and it's 7 litres (1.6 gallons). That's a lot of water to spill. It's taken 7 towels to mop up the carpet.

after I, somehow, managed to pull out the tank and cabinet without waking my parents. My room is upstairs so I'm more than a little concerned about water on my floor. It's also worrying given the amount of electric sockets:


After a good deal of stamping (quietly) on the towels, I think I've averted disaster.

However it's still very damp. I've never actually had much of a spill from any of my tanks, not including the occasional slosh from a bucket - nothing more than the equivalent of spilling a glass of water. Has anyone ever had a water-loss this big from an upstairs tank? I'd really like to avoid sharing this one with the parents. Help?! I did go downstairs to check the ceiling of the room directly beneath mine and it seems OK. But I'm still really worried.
P.S Castiel is fine. Although he's been flaring at me a lot for waking him up. Evidently he's grumpy in the morning. Aren't we all. I'm going to put down fresh towels and go to bed. Advice really would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: I've posted in the emergency section. Also, here's a pic of Cassy trying to catch 40 winks despite the disturbance. This is his 'i hate mornings' (and also flash photography) face.
Llegmore said:
He will be fine on his own, check out the snails in my Topic > Betta Tank Upgrade: Fluval Spec 19 Litre, they are cool to have in with a Betta

+1 with Shelster, the tetras can be very fast to the food.  I have a fighter who stalks the tank all the time and chases the smaller fish - so they are going to have to be moved sadly!  My other boys however, are fine with other fish in with them, I just need to make sure I get food to them all.  So, it depends on the Bettas personality really, just be prepared to move anything if he does not co-habit with.  Amano Shrimp are very fast and also help keeping the tank clean from fallen food, give them cucumber now and again - they will demolish it in no time!
I believe the tank looks great, as I like the natural look.  I like your combination, of substrate, may look at that in the future.  You will see all the fun I had with substrate setting up my 180L (see link in signature).
I was going to say, it all depends on the betta really. My other boy, Pluto, really likes some company. He loves 'herding' the harlequins in his tank about (not chasing them, just leading the shoal) and he flares at me whenever I put my hand near them when I'm cleaning. Whatever shoal I put in with him, he mothers them a bit. It's cute.
'm trying to work out Castiel's personality but I keep getting distracted by how shiny he is.
I have plenty of space in 2 other tanks, so re-homing wouldn't be an issue, although I probably won't get more fish for the tank. I was just worried that he would get bored on his own. I really like shrimp, but I'm not sure if Cas is the type who enjoys a shrimpy snack ... yet. They're kind of expensive to take the risk. But if they're really fast, they should be OK. Hmmm. I'll think about it.
I love the natural look. I can't stand plastic plants in my tanks. *shiver* I've become such an elitist. I would definitely recommend JBL manado. I haven't put the playsand in the tank yet and I noticed that it was harder to plant (especially with the thin vallis roots) without it. The great thing is that neither of the substrates needs all that much rinsing.
I had so many issues with aqua base when I tried it. Now I'm too scared to use any kind of soil. I was washing muddy clumps out of the sand for weeks!
Your tank's looking good. I was actually checking out your journal yesterday. Spooky. Can't wait to see it planted.

Ooh and for anyone worried about cycling, I'm using the filter from his old tank for now and will continue to for a few months (along with his new filter) I had to remove the filter that came with the tank because:
1) it was VERY noisy. Although it may have got quieter with time, the tank's just at the bottom of my bed so I can't be dealing with any noise whatsoever.
2) I've never had a trickle filter before. I probably would have given it a go if it wasn't for the noise, but i was still a bit uncertain about it. Btw any input on them would be helpful? I'm keeping it in my spares box so I can put it back in if it grows on me.
3) i'm getting very protective of baby Cassie and I'm nervous about anything that could hurt him. I'm not sure about the filter's suction, but his tail's too purty to risk it.
I was planning on getting a filter that can properly handle the tank capacity today (his current one really is only a 5 gallon filter), but I slept in till 4pm
Ah well, another day! And, as long as it's only him in there, I'm sure he'll be fine.
I find with the trickle type filters the main thing is to keep the water level topped up, this prevents a lot of the noise.  You can also baffle them slightly with a sponge cut to fit along the return section.  On my Aquaone 980, I have put filter wool in the return area to quieten the noise when people come and stay, and sleep in my room.  I remove it each morning though, otherwise it can get clogged quickly, although the overflow copes with it, I prefer not to take the risk.
The Amano shrimps are very fast, just make sure that any holes are covered as they can escape!  Give them somewhere to hide and your boy will 'never' catch them.  Be aware that they shed when being added to a new tank, plus often after a water change, thus making them more vulnerable for awhile.  Anything smaller than an Amano may well be a Betta snack.
So sorry to hear about the leak, here are my thoughts ...
I must have knocked the flow wheel on his filter
I would lower your filter further into the aquarium.  This will assist in:
1. avoiding a similar experience
2. reduce the flow in the top part of the tank where the Betta likes to hang out
Re: your spray bar, I have mine facing slightly downwards towards the rear of the tank, again this suits the Betta better.
I am sure that all will be well once you have the carpet fully dry.  One tip, when cleaning out my large tank in the bedroom I place a piece of waterproof fabric (designed as a wipe clean table cloth) underneath the towels directly in front of the cabinet, this then prevents any spillages getting into the carpet.
Mind you, like you I once came back to a wet carpet, and damage to my cabinet post holiday.  It had done a fair bit of damage, yet the person caring for the fish had not noticed!  I discovered as I had done a water change prior to going on holiday, I had filled the tank right up to the top.  The bubbles from the air pump caused the slight overflow and thus the problem!  Once everything had all dried out it was fine.
I would also put your heater on a slight angle, then the heat is not going straight to the thermostat giving false readings 
  Plus, put the heater lower in the tank, as heat rises and this way you will:
1. prevent it burning out if ever there was a leak again - hopefully not.
2. it will keep the aquarium more constant.
Great video, your boy looks very content, apart from his "morning face".

Your tank's looking good. I was actually checking out your journal yesterday. Spooky. Can't wait to see it planted.
Thanks, it has some plants in it now, I have taken pictures, but need it to settle a little more and then will update further.
Still to plant the front section.  I bought some Ricca, but it got "free" while I was away and the filters "ate" it 

This is the journal we are referring to, for the benefit of others reading this.
I had so many issues with aqua base when I tried it
Can you tell us more please?
The whole problem seems to have sorted itself out by the time I've woken up again. I usually keep my spray bar pointed upwards, but on a VERY low flow, so that the surface is disturbed and scum doesn't form (water quality in my area means this happens very easily). I did lower it significantly. I normally don't have issues with spillage, which is probably why this whole thing gave me such a shock. I normally have my heaters at angles - I just shoved that one in vertically to 'test' it as it was new. I hadn't got round to adjusting it.
RCA said:
I had so many issues with aqua base when I tried it
Can you tell us more please?
It was entirely my own fault really. It was a very small tank (10 gallon) that I first tried it in and every water change, the substrate was stirred up so much that the water became dangerously murky, practically mud. I don't think I put a thick enough layer of sand and manado to keep it down. I'm pretty impatient and I hate 'dirty' looking water, so I took out all of the aquabase. Clumps of it had mixed into the sand so I had to get rid of that too in the end. It's fine for loads of people, it just wasn't the right fit for me and my tanks.
Thanks for the info., just wanted to make sure it wasn't something that affected the fish.
RCA said:
Thanks for the info., just wanted to make sure it wasn't something that affected the fish.
No, no. Sorry, I should have been more clear. The problems were purely aesthetic. I'm just fussy.
I'm getting some strange, pink, anemone-like algae on the bogwood that I moved from the angel tank. Not sure what it is.

I scrubbed and boiled it thoroughly before putting it into Castiel's tank. I'm thinking I might have to do it more thoroughly, but there's anubias on it now.
Everything else is just fine.
I believe it is a bacteria rather than a true algae, and can turn the water cloudy in time.  Do 20% daily water changes for awhile, and cut back on food so that there are not the nutrients for the algae to grow.  I have had some success using Hydrogen Peroxide on algae.  To be honest, the best way is to remove as much as you can with tweezers, cut back on light and food on which the algae thrives and do your water changes.  As I have not had pink algae in my tanks I cannot advise anymore than what I have done to treat other forms.  Good luck and keep us updated on your progress.
It looks like it's spread to a couple of anubias plants. Gah I hate it when a new tank has to be disrupted a lot. I just don't want to disturb Cas. I'm gonna get as much of it off as possible and then do a 24 hour blackout, and hope that Castiel doesn't mind too much.
tunagirll said:
Digging the name
Cheers. There are so many more fan-girls on the forums than I had thought. Awesome.
Here's Cassy, annoyed that he has to do a photo-shoot before breakfast.
Urgh I'm cursed. Guess who has ich!?! So far, he's only displaying the white spots and is acting perfectly normally. I haven't had ich in any of my tanks for at least 2 years but I fortunately have something in my box of lotions and potions that should help.

And it's not going to be out of date for 4 whole months!
Stockpiling medicines doesn't seem like such a waste of money at times like these.
Spots are only just visible and they are appearing only on his tail at the moment. He is itching against plants, wood and stones every now and then but his movement is good, his eyes are clear (as far as I can see) and there's no slimy-ness.
I'm going to do 20% water changes every day and dose until he gets better. My poor baby! I considered putting him in a 5 gallon quarantine, but as he's the only one in the tank and I don't want to stress him with further disturbance, I decided against it. It's been so long since I treated any disease, is the filter meant to be switched off? I know circulation and aeration is crucial, especially with ich, but I can't remember. Help?
I'm going to upload a video later because I really couldn't get a picture showing the spots (he's spending a lot of time at the back of the tank.)
OK so I'm going to leave the filter running but I removed the carbon. Fingers crossed.
:-( sorry to hear he has ich!
I'm sure that with your care he will back to normal in no time!
I'm trying to stay confident. I try to think of ich as just fish flu. I'm thinking of getting some fresh aquarium salt but I'm going to wait and see how well the Contra-spot works before i risk the plants with salt. I'm fairly confident he'll recover. He's a very healthy boy (other than the ich) and there's nobody else in the tank to give him a bacterial infection. I got a spot pic:
Upping the tank temperature will speed up the process too :)

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