betta sticking to filter intake

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Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2005
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Brisbane, Australia
With the new tank came a filter, so I thought i'd give it a try out. I had the flow turned down as low as it'll go, it didn't seem to be causing him any problems. But then, as I watched, he swam up to it, and attached himself to it. I wasn't sure if he was actually stuck or not, but I turned it off just incase.

Now he wedges himself between the glass and the intake, i'm guessing just being lazy so he's closer to the top to grab some air.

Would it be ok for him to stick to the filter like that? I'm guessing he put himself there rather than actually getting sucked onto it.
hmm is he actually stuck where the at the water intake... or just between the intake tube and the glass. How big is the tank?
I wouldn't recromend filters in betta tanks. There fins can get stuck easily. Plus, they aren't all that messy. Just do water changes, and he'll be fine. Just don't turn it on again, for his sake.
He's been wedging himself between the intake and the glass, but, when I first saw, he just swam up and put his side to it and sat there. It's a 5 gallon tank.

It's been off since he did that, so now he just goes between the intake and the glass. Not stuck at all, just puts himself there.

Unfortunately not a lot of finnage to get caught. :( He was 'looked after' by someone while his owner was overseas. His caretaker decided it wasn't her problem he was sick, because it wasn't her fish, and she had to buy food for him, so she shouldn't have to do anything else.
Betta's are most definately not the cleanest fish...mine are absolutey nasty as can be. They poop more then any fish I've ever seen lol.

With a larger tank you definately need a filter, unless you want to do 100% water changes weekly to rid the tank of ammonia and nitrite build up.

I suggest buying some filter foam from your LPS or LFS, use a knife to poke a hole deep enough for the filter intake, and slide it on. Voila problem solved.

Filters can reak havok on a betta's fin, which rip and tear very easily...even if he doesn't have much finnage left, the re-growth can be re-damaged, and take longer to heal and could possibly make him sick(er).
good idea... i've never heard of filter foam... is it some sort of soft foam that you slide over the filter? If it covers the entire intake portion of the tube, will it prevent poop and other solids from being swept up into the filter?

I do think a filter is needed on a 5 gallon tank.
They have several different type filters. This is the foam replacements that you can buy for sponge filters. It comes in several different sizes.
This site offers a good price, if you have the ability to buy online. It's where I get mine from.

You have to take it off and clean it weekly, but all you have to do it rinse it out and it's good to go agian :thumbs: .
src does that sponge/foam prevent debris from being pulled into the filter causing it all to accumulate in the gravel?
Yes it does...but it attaches to the sponge not the gravel..hence having to rinse the foam off weekly.
You can also buy a pair of pantyhose, wash it very thoroughly, cut to an appropriate size, and put it around the intake. The fish can still get caught in the current, but its fins can't get sucked in and ripped off. It also slows down the tank current, which is nice, since male bettas have trouble with it. I do reccomend filtration though; all of my 5 gallons that I had to turn off filtration in for some reason got this nasty film on the surface in a matter of days.
I'll check out the filter foam, and failing that, stockings.

I think the little bugger liked being stuck to it, not so far to the top of the tank!
greyko said:
With the new tank came a filter, so I thought i'd give it a try out. I had the flow turned down as low as it'll go, it didn't seem to be causing him any problems. But then, as I watched, he swam up to it, and attached himself to it. I wasn't sure if he was actually stuck or not, but I turned it off just incase.

Now he wedges himself between the glass and the intake, i'm guessing just being lazy so he's closer to the top to grab some air.

Would it be ok for him to stick to the filter like that? I'm guessing he put himself there rather than actually getting sucked onto it.
My on female in my large community tank does that. For no reason I can fathom whatsoever. It's a Juwel filter and there is no way that she can actually be "sucked in" as she's very large (for a female betta) and the filter intake only has very small / narrow slits. It's a very gentle filter and I can't even see any water agitation, but she seems to like sitting there.
When I approach the tank or feed the fish, she just swims away. So there's no way that she's stuck to it either. Maybe she just likes the feel of it ! :lol:
I am planning on using the stockings idea on my new tank coming--ta da--tomorrow! :D

Thanks again for the idea Random Witkor.
is there anyway i can make my fish stop attacking the filtr? non stop he does this, he is in a 10 gallon tank, so i think it needs a filter. but he really hates it and hasn't gotten used to it
I'm sorry, but that's funny. :rofl:

Do you think it's making too much current so that he is frustrated in his efforts to build a bubble nes(Actually I know nothing--less than nothing--having only read a little and never having any practical experience. :alien:

Just thought that might be an annoyance to him. If it does make lots of current, what kind of filter do you have?

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