Betta Question


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
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I got mine a few weeks ago. He doesn't seem to be happy. I've not seen him eat. And he hides behind the filter is his tank most of the time. Any suggestions on what I can do to make him happy?
It will take them a little time to adjust to new surroundings, but I found with one of my bettas he hated the current in the water and would not come out until I turned the current down to his satisfaction. :huh:
He's in a five gallon tank. It came with a mini filter and I've got it turned down quite a bit. And I don't have a heater for him. I was thinking that might have something to do with it and plan to get one today. I read your thread about stimulating your betta and I tried putting a picture by his tank but he didn't get at all excited.
That's a really good idea, too.
They love live plants - if you get live plants, you'll also want to invest in a mini compact flurorescent bulb or two to put in there, and make sure the lights stay on for several hours each day to keep them alive.

The temp of the tank might have a lot to do with the clamped fins. The heater should help. Do you have any little hidey things in your tank, like a rock arch or a cave or anything? They love those too.
There is a silk plant in there and live plants are on my list for him. I've been looking for a cave type thingy and haven't been too happy with what I've found. So he doesn't have one yet. I'm going shopping for him after work today so I'll let you know how he does.

My daughter had 2 bettas when she was 8 (she's now 13) and those were happy healthy fish. She had them for 2 years. I'm frustrated about my current betta because our others were not as picky as this one seems to be.

P.S. his name is Cookie.

EDIT :whistle: snuck out of the office to a heater, a cave (fin friendly of course) and some frozen treats for my Cookie. Getting ready to head home to set him up.....cross your fingers.. :fish:
I :wub: the ping pong ball idea! I know Batista would go crazy over it. He's the nosiest fish ever.

*Counts change to see if she has enough to stop for ping pong balls on the way home from work.* :p
That is a fabulous idea! :)

I'm so excited that you got him a heater and cave! :wub:
You'll have to let us know if that perks him up, because it sounds like you've got a pretty great setup there for him!
Got him all set up! He seemed to perk up some but not a whole lot. I've been watching him and as the temps rose he seemed to do a little better. I can't wait to get home and check up on him. He did eat a little last night. I'm going to try peas this weekend.
Just my personal opinion, but maybe bettas don't need a large tank to live in. My first betta was a bubble nesting happy camper for 4 years in his small bowl.

My new betta that I've had for a couple months now started out in the small bowl and seemed happy, bubble nesting etc. Now I have him in apox. a 1 gallon bowl and he seems very happy.

I've never used heaters or filters and my bettas have been very healthy, knock on wood.

I'm not a fish tank person, don't want any part of them. :p So I am happy that bettas can do well in "smaller" spaces.
They much prefer larger tanks IME. Take Vespasian. When I got him, I put him in my 20g community with the cories as I didn't have another tank with a heater up and running. Then after a few days I was concerned he was getting blown about a bit by the filter. So I put Hannibal in the unheated 3g and Vespasian in the heated 3g. He got really depressed, and layed around on the bottom all day. So I put him back in the community and he's happy again. Plus the cories get to eat the leftover bloodworms he doesn't eat :)

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