Betta Question And A Little Confused!

sooooo i hear bettas dont like any current from the filter at all....i got a 6 gal tank and the filter has made a pretty big current. any suggestions to make it better for a betta? will the betta get used to a little current? cause i doubt il be able to make the water still 
Nikki77D said:
sooooo i hear bettas dont like any current from the filter at all....i got a 6 gal tank and the filter has made a pretty big current. any suggestions to make it better for a betta? will the betta get used to a little current? cause i doubt il be able to make the water still 
If possible, a simple and easy way to reduce the disturbance from your filter is to direct the output against the glass of your tank.
Otherwise, you could block some of the filter intake or simply add more plants and decor :)
Depending on the betta -- it may not mind the current or it may absolutely hate it.  The longer the fins, the harder it is on them to swim so keep that in mind.  You could easily place a piece of filter sponge over the outflow of the filter to reduce the current, place tall plants in front of the outflow, or fashion a baffle by taking a 20oz coke bottle - cut the top and bottom off and slit it open from top to bottom, and then finally place the bottle over the outflow so that the flow comes out both ends of the bottle which diffuses the current.
i have my betta in a 3ft planted tank with various tetras, 2 dwarf Gourami's, 2 pairs of German Blue Rams's and he's very much the boss of the tank and happily interact with the other fish :) 
Mine swims in the small bit of current in mine - he's a veil tail.
okay thanks for the info everyone!  

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