Betta Question And A Little Confused!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2013
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I was wondering what other fish would go good with a male betta in a 36 gallon tank? Also when I was a kid my mom had a betta and she would age water then change the big bowl the betta was in and just add the aged water. Isn't there ammonia and nitrites in the water? But the betta lived for a good amount of years. I don't understand?
It's best to put them with non-aggressive fish that don't have flowy, colourful fins - which your Betta would absolutely hate!
Quite a few people have successfully kept them with Tetras, you just have to keep an eye on on them so that they don't nip at your Betta.
Corys also work quite well from what I've heard :)
Your best bet would be quick, schooling fish 

Some people however will argue that Bettas should always be kept alone
you can keep them with community fish that do to resemble the beta with their fins and or body shape... its best to use a schooling fish, that stays small and watch for nipping.
Thanks for the info! So what are the water temp and conditions needed for a betta?
Bettas like a ph that is between 6 and 8 and a temperature of 24-30 Celsius :)
Honestly, I'd think twice about putting a betta in a large tank. They don't like a lot of flow which would be necessary in a bigger tank. They like a large-leafed plant to rest on, and they are air breathers so need some room at the top of the tank to breathe.
I think they're beautiful fish (I almost took one home the other day) but I think you should do lots of research before bringing one home.
Mine happily lived with cories for a while, I just moved them out to a bigger tank because they got too large. You could keep them with Cherry barbs, as they're really placid despite everyone giving them a bad rep because they are from the barb family. However I agree with the above post, being that the tank might be a little too large for a betta, and mine's been a lot happier since living on his own in his 35l tank, with little flow, and a reasonable amount of live plants.
Yah I'm probably not gunna put one in a large tank. I'm thinking of getting either a 6 gal or a 15 gal ( is that too big?) And it would just be for one betta. Also do bettas jump out of tanks? Would a topless tank be okay? The tank will have a filter and it will cycle but can a betta live in un cycled water for a bit?
Yeah, Bettas are known for jumping so you really do need a tank with a lid! Otherwise you could end up with a bit of a nasty surprise 
Bettas love big tanks contrary to what people like to think.  All but a couple of mine that I have had were perfectly fine with normally filtered tanks without any blocking of normal flow.  The only ones I have to watch are the ones with really large tails like my rosetails because they have way to much fin to swim normally.  I have known people to put bettas in huge tanks with no other fish and the betta be like a king.  
Bettas are very tolerant of ph and require a temp of no lower than 79F (82-84F is the best).  I do advise keeping them with any other fish besides maybe cories.  There are some bettas that are tolerant of other fish and others that will kill everything that is added to their tank which is why I do not recommend anything.  Bettas are solitary fish by nature so do not need other fish for company.  They do require a tank with a lid because bettas believe they can fly.  They can find their way to jumping out of the tiniest hole in the top.(I know this from personal experience and have lost 3 bettas to jumping out of tanks)
Well thanks for the advise everyone! I just need to know if I can add them to a new tank or wait till its. Cycled?
It's always best to wait until it's cycled. Best not to run the risk of damaging, or even losing a fish.
You want to get hold of some ammonia and do a fishless cycle :)
Ya I'm trying to figure that part out lol its a little confusing. I've done fish in cycling (didn't mean to but didn't know about cycling :( ). And I used tetra safestart and it worked amazingly!

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