Betta, New Aquarium- Salt?


New Member
Oct 12, 2012
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I'm new to the hobby, I got a betta 3 days ago with a 1/2 plastic "tank" some rocks and a plastic plant (they sold him to me like that). I saw him at a pet store and i fell in love, he's gorgeous.
anyway, ive been reading about bettas all these days and i immediately ordered a 10 gallon tank (which should be coming in tomorrow) with a filter, heater, and light, pretty fancy. I change about 40% of his water every other day and i bought pebbles to replace the rocks.

Now yesterday, i noticed some stuff on his head, his shine had gone away and its kinda mushy brown. i kept reading and it's obviously fungus.
So today i bought some aquarium salt, and Tetra fungus guard. I have no idea how to set up the new aquarium. What did i do wrong? i changed his water and kept it clean.

So, when i get it, i'll put in the water, add the aqua safe (or should i do it before) and...? add 2 tablespoons (as said on the box) of the salt and then.......? lmao just let it sit? Do i put in the fungus guard before or after the salt?

do i let the water regulate or something for a while before introducing the betta? (since it'll have a heater and a filter) how should i introduce him to his new home?

i'm also thinking of buying a mystery snail, some ghost shrimps and some tetras (next week) how should i introduce these? will they be fine with the salt? how often should i add it?

i'll add a pic of him, that's the first day i got him, he doesn't have fungus.

i can't really help you with the fungus problem but tetras an nip his fins and annoy him, also he might eat the ghost shrimp
The tank is not cycled. Which means he is being poisoned by the ammonia produced by himself.
Don't treat with anything now because treating while there is ammonia in the water is pointless. You need to remove the cause to let him heal. Salt is no good on permanent basis for freshwater fish but it's ok to use sometimes for medicating or even during cycling as it neutralizes the other poisonous product in a non-cycled tank called nitrItes. Do 80-90% water changes with dechlorinated and temperature matched water every day.
The new tank you bought, needs to be cycled. There are two ways to cycle, with fish and with ammonia instead of fish.

Have a good read of this section:
i can't really help you with the fungus problem but tetras an nip his fins and annoy him, also he might eat the ghost shrimp

i read somewhere if you buy 5 they'll school & not bother the betta?
& yeah they probably will eat the ghost shrimp but theyre so cheap and cool :D lol
Tetra's are fin nippers .Male Betta's are best kept on their own, most of them prefer their own company and like with other fish 'you need to cycle the tank before adding fish, chances are your betta may not make it. Your best bet is to get treatment for the tank to help cycle it (but these are not as good as doing it properly). If you want to try and keep other fish with him then you could try cory's (as they hang around at the bottom and and wont bother your betta (as long as the betta doesnt bother them). I keep my betta on his own and he seems happy.

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