New Member
Ok, so recently I got my first betta, a male crowntail named Spike. This summer i cleaned out my family's old 10 gallon tank that had been sitting in the basement for probably around 6 years. I fixed it up with a new filter, some gravel, and lots of scrubbing and vinegar. The tank was cycled for about 3 weeks then Spike moved in. I was at Petsmart to pick up some stuff for my dog, and I felt so bad for the fish in the little tiny cups so I decided to rescue a little guy and use the tank. Most of the other fish were listless and lying at the bottom, but Spike was zipping around and active. I added several live plants as well as a betta log- I was worried he was a little exposed, and two gold mystery snails- Xander and Cordelia. 5 points if you can guess their namesakes. huge fan Since adding the plants Spike has been really really happy, he's always hiding in them and I think he started a bubblenest! Also- on another note, does anyone know if the snails are nocturnal? They are always active in the evening but hardly ever in the day. I thought they were dead at first And every night I find a snail in Spikes log which is not touching the wall. How do they get in? They are mystery snails I guess! Spike eats in the log every night so I think they are cleaning up his scraps but it's kinda funny. All right: pictures. The quality is really bad cause I had to use my ipod. The room I have Spike in has curtains so my camera was too dark without the flash and the light scared him.
Is this a bubblenest?
Spike's cup next to his new home.
Is this a bubblenest?
Spike's cup next to his new home.