with other species?

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:dunno: I read the 10 gallon thing on more than one frog website. I was basing it on that.
Hah, well go ask on I'm a member there, and they'd definitely know. If you have males, they won't nearly get as large. I'd say about 5". They're pretty docile (at least mine were) and don't move around a lot if they're with their own kind.
Sway, I'm very happy to hear that you've upgraded the tanks, and I'm sure your fish are happy about it too!! However, as has been mentioned, African dwarf frogs don't come in albino so yours are definitely African clawed frogs and either need to be returned or housed in a separate tank all to themselves.
Personally, I think that 10 gallons per frog is the better estimate because there is a fully grown one at my LFS in a 10 gallon and by the looks of it adding another frog would make that tank quite cramped... he is absolutely enormous!
I have two ADF's, and they are whiteish transparant. I thought mne were albino, too. Just cuz its white doesn't mean its albino. Sway, does it have pink eyes and pure white skin?
Orky I had an ADF that was white/transparent too. He didn't get big at all. I've read about the differences before, but can't quite remember. Something like if they are white and have black eyes they are ADF's, and white with pink eyes they are ACF's? Something like that. So it is possible that even though the frog is white it could be an ADF.
Saucy said:
If your frogs are albino, they are NOT dwarf frogs. Take them out of the tank. Dwarf frogs do not come in albino. And if his front feet are not webbed, he IS an African Clawed frog.
Okay froggie is out of the tank and in with another frog they have a pink tinge to them, no red eyes but the front feet are "NOT" webbed so into a 20 gallon tank this time but needless to say he is out now and in with the lone frog I had bought and set up seperartly!! :-(
..thank you for warning me I never was labeled "mini" so my fault for assuming it would stay small and be safe and okay.

Learning as I go.... BTW does anyone have two very doscile beta males that they can house togeather with each other? Or is that just asking for it! My male is extreamly gentle and does not bother or even pay attention to the bottom feeder nor did he pay attention to the frog that was in with him.

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