Betta In a Vase

lucky i have never seen one of those things close up! i hate just looking at them, poor fish
ahhh yes... what ever's the latest craze over the pond... we get it 3-4months down the line.... :rolleyes:

if i see any... i shall set my child lose into a big stack of them (makin sure she smashes every single one) then grab her an leg it out of the store :D

no realy.... thats just pitifull.. how can ppl even think of keepin a fish in there??? i wouldnt even b uy a goldfish bowl for the simple reason of it being too small!!!
Betta vases wont ever make it over here thankgod, before a item can be sold in a shop for use as a animal enclosure it must first be approved by the RSPCA. The smallest tank i have ever seen commercially available here is a 3 gallon.
CFC said:
Betta vases wont ever make it over here thankgod, before a item can be sold in a shop for use as a animal enclosure it must first be approved by the RSPCA. The smallest tank i have ever seen commercially available here is a 3 gallon.
How much do those vases hold? I can't imagaine having a fish in one! I have a vase with some bamboo in it in my flat and the water is always evaporating which is alright for bamboo but not for fish.

It holds according to the box 2.43 litters around or less than a gallon. :sad:
Hey Guess what? I finally took the bettaof the vase, I fed him some bloodworms, and pellets hes happy as a Dog with new Toy. :D , Right now hes on a creeter keeper 1 gallon Im going to take him to my cousin, For his divided 20 gallon long, He will get good care and a gurlfriend. :wub: . I told the lady he jumped out LOL :whistle:
OMG I can #$!%! BELIEVE it she put an ANGELFISH In that vase :crazy: ,

Why must the world have some dumb RETARDS :-( WHY :-(

She put an angel in the vase, I stold the betta yesterday, And today she has an Angel in that vase, HELL NO!!!!!! She messing with the wrong fishkeeper, Especially a ANGEL LOVER :grr: Stupid Lady, I cant believe she did that, She got suspicious about me taking the Betta, How Im I going to take that ANGEL, OMG :eek: :eek: That Vase donthave a heater,filter NOT EVEN A AIR PUMP :eek:

lol I think even the fish people at wal mart know not to put a angelfish in a .5 gallon vase with no heat or filtration :lol: :p but seriously you really need to like beat some sense into that woman and I mean beat as in with a bat preferably :p

violence is the answer. what was the question?

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