Betta In a Vase

ACK!! Betta vases!! :-(

My first betta was a gift in a vase...I fed him betta bites and all that but I was such a newby I didn't know it would KILL HIM..I came home from work and his fins were tangled in the roots. :-( He drowned. :-(


I wish I knew then what I know now. :dunno: :-(
HeatherSweetness said:
ACK!! Betta vases!! :-(

My first betta was a gift in a vase...I fed him betta bites and all that but I was such a newby I didn't know it would KILL HIM..I came home from work and his fins were tangled in the roots. :-( He drowned. :-(


I wish I knew then what I know now. :dunno: :-(
Its okay I had 7 channel catfish in a 10 gallon tank, A Bit more worst, Thats when my uncle SLAPPED me silly.
I would *nicely* tell my friends mom that Betta's should not be kept in a vase (I don't care what the pet stores say). A small tank (1 gallon minimum) with a small filter and small heater is what they need to be kept in to be healthy. I wouldn't give the betta to her unless she agrees to give it a proper home.

I have mine in a 2-gallon and it is so happy and healthy. I feed mine the tiny betta pellets and it loves them.

Good luck.
I got mine in 1 gallon FILTERED tanks with 4 lights to keep the water warm. :D I feed them Bloodworms,Earthworms, Pellets
Now folks... let's not turn this into a bragging match about how much we love and take care of our bettas. Ok?

(2.5g planted, heated to 80F, Wisper mini filter, frozen bloodworms, betta bio gold)

I agree, this isn't a contest (15 gallon planted with various tankmates)

All kidding aside due the unfortunate low price and reputation that they can live in a thimble betta's have become to many people a 'disposable' fish. A friend of mine goes through one ever few weeks. His daughter always wants another one even though she doesn't take care of them, but they don't care much what I have to say :no:
Ohh yeah Im getting my betta a 10 gallon tank with 3 corys and some danios, :D

My betta gets to breed with his girl in a 15 gallon, then back to the five :sad: You beat me 55. But you cant beat TCA with his 15 gallon community :p
thecichlidaddict said:
I agree, this isn't a contest (15 gallon planted with various tankmates)

All kidding aside due the unfortunate low price and reputation that they can live in a thimble betta's have become to many people a 'disposable' fish. A friend of mine goes through one ever few weeks. His daughter always wants another one even though she doesn't take care of them, but they don't care much what I have to say :no:
that attititude is all to common i'm sad to say. because of low prices many people feel that "hey, if it dies so what, i'll just get another one". some LFS and big chains perpetrate this ideology with false information pamphlets on "betta care". sucks, even though veil-tails don't have the same appeal to me as short-tails doesn't mean they are disposable. we do everything we can to keep our bettas healthy and happy. taking care of bettas is not rocket science but it does involve a proper regime of care. if you are not prepared to dedicate a small portion of your time to doing water changes, keeping whatever environment you keep your bettas in clean, feeding them a proper varied diet and watching your fish for signs of onset of disease (heaven forbid) and more importantly, doing something about it before it become lethal then you are simply not doing enough. your fish are merely a decoration, an accessory. they deserve more than that, out of all the fish bettas are the most intriguing to me, their colourful history, addicting personalities and grace and power reach out to me and pull me deeper into their mystique. ;)
My betta is a pet, not a decoration. When he sees me, he looks up at the top of the tank, and then back at me. He looks like he wants to say "feed me you jerk I haven't eaten in 10 minutes" :lol: I learned the hard way about small tanks. (half gallon betta hex for 2 bettas) I moved them out because there was so much algae I couldn't see them and it was a hassle to clean. One of them died but I bought a cheap ($8.00) 5 gallon tank and he is happier than ever :D . The betta hex was $6.00, whats the better deal?????
bkk_group said:
thecichlidaddict said:
I agree, this isn't a contest (15 gallon planted with various tankmates)

All kidding aside due the unfortunate low price and reputation that they can live in a thimble betta's have become to many people a 'disposable' fish.  A friend of mine goes through one ever few weeks.  His daughter always wants another one even though she doesn't take care of them, but they don't care much what I have to say  :no:
that attititude is all to common i'm sad to say. because of low prices many people feel that "hey, if it dies so what, i'll just get another one". some LFS and big chains perpetrate this ideology with false information pamphlets on "betta care". sucks, even though veil-tails don't have the same appeal to me as short-tails doesn't mean they are disposable. we do everything we can to keep our bettas healthy and happy. taking care of bettas is not rocket science but it does involve a proper regime of care. if you are not prepared to dedicate a small portion of your time to doing water changes, keeping whatever environment you keep your bettas in clean, feeding them a proper varied diet and watching your fish for signs of onset of disease (heaven forbid) and more importantly, doing something about it before it become lethal then you are simply not doing enough. your fish are merely a decoration, an accessory. they deserve more than that, out of all the fish bettas are the most intriguing to me, their colourful history, addicting personalities and grace and power reach out to me and pull me deeper into their mystique. ;)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
wow that pic is horrible.

thankfully i have never seen anything like that here in AUS,
but im sure theres something similar out there!!

why would she get cranky because you wouldnt give Ruby to her, hes your fish!
the womans sounds a bit strange :D

i think you do need to make him 'jump' out of his vase and into a tank in your house! :nod: :nod:
I own a betta in a vase. ;) :p

well not exactly. Ive got the plant in a seperate vase inside the vase shaped tank. He has 5 gallons of water, the temp remains alright and his own neon coloured gravel. He is the father of many bettas and has been in his vasey tank for almost a year and he is quiet happy. From the outside it looks exactly like a betta in a vase but it cost me like 30 dollars more.

Ide rather pay the extra 30 dollars then have dead bettas on my hands, wouldnt you?

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