Betta has ick and finrot

It's up to you, don't want to stress him to much but the water needs to be in tip top condition with the finrot, if it half gone it really needs a med, or add some melafix for now.
Yep, Melafix is in, I think I am going to do a 50% today, and one tomorrow maybe, I did a 25% yesterday thats when I noticed all this...He still seems good though, Maybe he'll be a tough little guy like my other one...I'll update on him. Thanks for the help.
Okay, I tried a salt bath, and yeah, I used Inchworm's recipe on one of the pinned topics, 1 teaspoon dissovled salt(aquarium of course) in 1 cup of aquarium water....did that, and he became unconcious I guess, well he looked seriously dead!! So I quickly netted him out, and put him back in the tank, and it took a minute or so but he then started moving, and his gills moved again.....I thought the concentration might be too high, so I added another 1/2cup of water, thats 1tsp salt, 1 & 1/2 cups water, and tried him in that 7 hours later, and he did it again! I quickly netted and put back in his tank, and he's looking fine but.....Why is this happening? Am I doing something wrong? My guppy had the same salt bath recipe awhile ago, and was fine...His tail is also looking...well different...It used to have where his fins were, like black strings of where the lines in his fin was, just the parts inbetween, now nothing but black edges and a big tear left, that must have fell off too! Please help...I also did a 50% water change earlier, added little bit Melafix, and salt...
Don't panic some fish do that it's best to remove them, just keep trying they will learn to tolerate after a while, black edging is usually a sign that the tail is healing, how is he today.
Well, If you say keep trying, I will lol, It was just quite scary, he honestly looked dead!!
No change today, no worse at least. I hope he is healing. Due for a 100% waterchange today, and I'll add salt, and Melafix as well. H'es eating fine, nice and active. I think he'll get better:) Thanks for the help

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