Betta has disappeared


New Member
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
CBS, Newfoundland, Canada
I had a blue male betta and it is now missing...have no idea where he went...or what happened to him....i have a community tank with 1 clown loach, 1 bala shark, 1 red tailed shark, 1 pleco, 2 male swordtails, 3 tetras. I know alot of people will say it was the red tailed shark but i have never seen him bother my betta or any other fish since i had him....even had watched him at night and he did not go near my betta...anyone has any idea what could have happened to him? Thanks in advance for your comments.... :/
another person who keeps bettas with sharks. and tetras as well. ill tell you that they shouldnt live together, but you probly wont believe me as youve never seen any problems. but just because you didnt see them doesnt mean theyre werent any.

if it died, the pleco is probly eating what it wants from it. or it could have jumped out. or it could be hidding.

how big is your tank?

clown loaches and bala sharks need to be kept in groups of 3. youll need a really big tank for that. like 150 gallons.
Have you tried looking around the tank? Bettas are good humpers and they will fly out even the smallest hole. Also, had he died on his own in your tank, the other fish could have cleaned him up pretty fast. Especially plec's, they really take care of dead fish fast. Lastly, what type of filtration do you have? He may be inside the filter if it's HOB. I also have a betta who I routinely find under the plate of his UGF. So you might want to check the filter system.

Those would be my guesses, I hope you find him safe and sound -_- :thumbs:
thank for the tips i will try to locate tank is a 33 gallon and I do plan on looking for another home for my sharks as i know they will need a bigger tank.... :D

i hope he is just hiding as i have never seen any remains left but like you said the pleco could make quick work of that...

thanks will keep looking and hopefully he will be found....
michelle1968 said:
thank for the tips i will try to locate tank is a 33 gallon and I do plan on looking for another home for my sharks as i know they will need a bigger tank.... :D

i hope he is just hiding as i have never seen any remains left but like you said the pleco could make quick work of that...

thanks will keep looking and hopefully he will be found....
Have you found him yet ?

My bf and i came home once to find our paradise fish missing, and didnt even dream of checking the filter (its an under gravel filter system with the two long tubes that stick up) and the poor thing had gotten himself in there, and obviously got stuck! as he wudnt have got in there by mistake, the current is to strong, but bettas can be determind lil things, and once theyve decided they wana go sumwhere, their do all they can to get there!

keep us updated!

Fingers crossed that u find him!
Bettas are good humpers

^ u meant jumpers right sorrel :rofl: ( sry if im beimg rude ) :rofl:

ummm...ok, my guess is that he died in the night and was eaten up, the fish in ur tank all all known to make a snack outa a dead fish and if died it wouldn't surprise me if there was absolutely nothing left. check the filter for bones.
Good news...found him or should i say he found us...have no idea where he was but he showed himself a couple of nights ago...

Thanks for all your suggestions... :rolleyes:
LOL humpers... :lol:

Anyway, I'm glad you were able to find the little guy. I bet you were worried sick. Glad to know he's alright... just a lurker I guess. Every tank has it's lurkers...
:*) :*) :*) :*)





Glad to hear he is safe and sound and I apologize for being lewd in your thread :rolleyes:
i think you should probably take him out of there and get him his own tank before something bad happens to him.

take wrs s advice.

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