Betta gift....?

Welp, the red one has gone to my mom at her school, and I taught her how to take care of it, but the blue one is still here. :shifty:
Yes, but I told my mom that she will get the blue one when she proves she can take care of one. :p
:p I know, but I like him too much to let him go right now. -_-
your awsome godric, the healing of that betta was amazeing :thumbs: u gotta keep ur stuff safe man, ecspesially wen u get those new orange bettas, if ur friends/brother or whoever even causes those lil guys any stress ill take an aluminum bat to their faces. ( i will find out where they live ) :blink:
Thanks dude. He did pull through though, and he does have a great character to him. I think he misses Achilles a bit though. They used to flare so much when they were next to eachother. The crowntail is a wee bit boring.
Well, he's finally off :sad: .. Really upsetting to let him go, but I am getting other bettas and wanted to give him to someone who could give him alot of attention. I gave him to my friend, who really really liked him, even more then my crowntail I offered him! I was real happy, but it was just a little upsetting to let him go. I'll still be able to see him though. :D

Raise my glass to Hector, the boy who could. :hooray:
Wow, that's amazing!! This is the first time I've seen this thread, so I got to see the recovery from start to finish within a matter of minutes. Great job is all I can say!! I can't understand how anyone could possibly treat and animal like your friends treated those poor fish, but you certainly saved his life :nod:
awwww,sorry to see him go,GP. But,you'll always have a special place in his wee little fishy heart :wub: As he will yours :p
wuvmybetta said:
awwww,sorry to see him go,GP. But,you'll always have a special place in his wee little fishy heart :wub: As he will yours :p
I hope he'll remember, it took alot of work! :lol:

Seriously, he was the nicest betta I've had. Always got excited when I came close, and whooshed up and down his tank. :wub:
Wow, that was an [B]amazing[/B] story!! Hehe, it brightened my day to know that there are people like you who really care and do a darn good job of caring! Very awesome and many congrats. I bet it was sad to let him go but you can stay with the satisfaction that you did a great job and I'm sure he'll never forget you! I hope you go visit him often!

You definitely rock!
turbotiber said:
Wow, that was an [B]amazing[/B] story!! Hehe, it brightened my day to know that there are people like you who really care and do a darn good job of caring! Very awesome and many congrats. I bet it was sad to let him go but you can stay with the satisfaction that you did a great job and I'm sure he'll never forget you! I hope you go visit him often!

You definitely rock!

Guys, it's great.. Hector is like a pig in Sh**. He's in a 10 gallon alone. :lol: It's for about 2 months or so, until the kid gets some dwarf puffers. I gave him some pre established gravel so the tank is pretty cycled or well on it's way too, so Hector is having the time of his life. :D

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