Betta Getting Sicker Plz Help


Fish Fanatic
Jul 10, 2007
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Ok so my betta looks to have fin rot I took him to my local aquarium place and they told me to buy betta Fix I have been using it for 3 days now and he got sicker

b4 I used the bettafix he was missing a few fins but would still swim around and eat now his fins are turning gray and he don't want to move of the bottom or swim as much but I can still get him to swim up to eat


tank 28L
other fish 2 mollies 1 catfish
heater 26 degrees Celsius
1 air stone
drip line filter with carbon

did a water change just b4 putting the bettafix in but not done one since as per bettafix info
pix i hope help
Do a decent size waterchange every day..the best thing for finrot is clean water..i have just helped Jackson recover from finrot by using Myxazin by waterlife. It took a few weeks this time round...but its very good stuff.add after the waterchange x
ok water change done but fin rot spread to body hoping he last the night so i can get new med right away
Also temp turned up will be better all my Bettas are kept at 80-83'f what ever ones 30'c lol my Bettas have never been so active at any temp so try turning the temp up itll help :)
thanx for all the replys but he passed away this morn
usually once the finrot gets down to the body the fish dont make it.. sorry for your loss :(
Hi, and I am very sorry for your loss.

I know this might be painful, but on reading this thread as a guest I joined to say Bettafix is actually bad for bettas. It contains tea tree oil which can damage the labyrinth organ that helps them breathe at the surface. This may or may not have contributed to your poor betta's sickness. Many experienced betta keepers warn away from the products ending in -fix, for their tea-tree oil content. I thought you ought to know for future reference. You seem to take very good care of your fish, kudos for that, and I wish you all the best for your next betta.

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