Betta For Sale?!?! for molly and guppy fry - - they can live together harmoniously. betta fry cannot - - the males will all have to be separated and it is very hard to rehome hundred of veiltail males - -so yes, there is a huge difference
finding homes for 50 fry each month is different how
you all seem to go on about size of tank how many fish etc well if you let the mollys breed and breed you end up with weaker adult fish FACT
as for all living together what would you advise if 49 where male mollys and 1 was female do you still think tyhey can all live together you are WRONG
sounds like one rule for bettas (aside from that they fight) and well any other fish you dont want to or have a clue

no offence but raise your sights out the betta section someday you may learn something
dont know what all the fuss is about they aren't that great in my opinion for molly and guppy fry - - they can live together harmoniously. betta fry cannot - - the males will all have to be separated and it is very hard to rehome hundred of veiltail males - -so yes, there is a huge difference
finding homes for 50 fry each month is different how
you all seem to go on about size of tank how many fish etc well if you let the mollys breed and breed you end up with weaker adult fish FACT
as for all living together what would you advise if 49 where male mollys and 1 was female do you still think tyhey can all live together you are WRONG
sounds like one rule for bettas (aside from that they fight) and well any other fish you dont want to or have a clue

no offence but raise your sights out the betta section someday you may learn something
How do livebears pertain to this?

Bettas are aggressive fish and should not be kept together period. (Besides a sorority) Livebearers are community fish and are sociable with their own kind. If you plan on keeping them it's best to keep them in same sexed groups or 1 male to every 2 females. If you have 49 males with 1 female the female would be bred to death and many fights would brake out among the males. Livebearers fight over females and bettas fight over territory.
thanx bettacrazy its nice a betta keeper understands this
scot :)
oh btw that was my point you say it better than me though
Why breed such common betta's if you know what you're doing though?
Thats what I was thinking also. No fish store will give you £3 per fish for such a common variety and colour of betta. You'd be lucky to get 50p for them. Ok so you're geting equipment/food/supplies that's nice, and can come in useful.

But someone who had done a decent amount of research and really knew what they were doing even on a first go would not have chosen such a bog standard variety in the hopes of making £3 per fish.

You only have to spend 5 minutes on sites like ebay and aquabid to see what's most desired, what really sells and what doesn't.

Also, if your next spawn produces over 100 fry ( which is certainly not uncommon ) and a large proprtion of those survive, what if you cannot find homes for all of them? Do you honestly have space and separate tanks for all those extra fish? Stores will only have space for so many, and you will eventually run out of friends to take them, and if you have the standard blue or red VT's which often get ignored in favour of fancier varieties, not everyone on forums will want one, as themore unusual types become more and more popular.

It seems to be your first go at this and I wish you luck with it, but you honestly could have thought things through a lot better, rather than simply thinking "oh I think my blue VT is great I'll breed him with a random female and charge £3 a fish "
lol. The fry are at 2 weeks yet, i think i read. How are you sure they will survive?

Good luck if you do become a betta breeder though! It takes alot of work and commitment.
you know what's funny, the question was 'is anyone interested in buying my bettas?' and somehow it has ended up in me being greatly insulted and to be honest no one has really answered the question! none of your comments i am going to listen to and i plan on doing what i want thank you!! if you dont have anything noce to say why speak at all? yes i admit maybe 3 pounds is a bit to much for them but you didnt need to be nasty about it nor sarcastic! it was a first time and in the future i will be getting more fancier bettas like crown tails an double tails but this was a first timer and i had researched into it so leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
here we go again :lol:
true the bettas in question are not in high demand
to those not a member of a forum or just starting out a betta is a treat to the eyes be it veil crown etc and most people who are not fanatical do not know what these rarer types are as they only see veils in most small lfs do you see where im going.................

I breed pedigree guinea pigs with long hair it takes me an hour and a half just to brush 20 pigs I will liken these to rarer tail typed bettas as they are not common and go for a better price than short haired guineas these i will liken to veils as they are in nearly every pet shop

now then I also breed normall guinea pigs and these are harder to sell on BUT as I do not do it for the money its a HOBBY it does not matter how rare or how much i get for them they are no less valuable or comical or sweet than any other breed

the upshot is yeah explain other types are more sort after than enthusiasts but it sounds like well it comes across like your saying veils are worth nothing in cash opr looks this just is not true

should I breed staffys as you can get a few hundred quid for them and they are sort after ive researched there value????????


do you recommend
here we go again :lol:
true the bettas in question are not in high demand
to those not a member of a forum or just starting out a betta is a treat to the eyes be it veil crown etc and most people who are not fanatical do not know what these rarer types are as they only see veils in most small lfs do you see where im going.................

I breed pedigree guinea pigs with long hair it takes me an hour and a half just to brush 20 pigs I will liken these to rarer tail typed bettas as they are not common and go for a better price than short haired guineas these i will liken to veils as they are in nearly every pet shop

now then I also breed normall guinea pigs and these are harder to sell on BUT as I do not do it for the money its a HOBBY it does not matter how rare or how much i get for them they are no less valuable or comical or sweet than any other breed

the upshot is yeah explain other types are more sort after than enthusiasts but it sounds like well it comes across like your saying veils are worth nothing in cash opr looks this just is not true

should I breed staffys as you can get a few hundred quid for them and they are sort after ive researched there value????????


do you recommend
ok, that confused me and i am not saying that they are worth nothing as i think they are beautiful creatures and me myself prefer them to the rarer breeds! but that still doesnt answer my question of is anyone interested in my bettas, if not the you shouldnt be on this post!!!!!!!!!!!!1
The point people are trying to make is that the type of betta you have bred is in relatively low demand, therefore your chances of a load of people saying yes are not that high.In which case don't be too amazed if you don't get many people saying they want one.
English betta, I don't think anyone is genuinely being nasty to you for the sake of it. I think it's more that they genuinely don't understand why you are doing what you're doing. It just doesn't make sense. Although the average fish shop go-er wont neccesarily know about fancier tail types that's only for one reason...shops don't always stock them. However they are filled to the brim with your average red or blue veils. Now this is fine, because people new to the hobby do really appreciate how they look, but they also are being bred '10 a penny' so to speak.

So actually I think people have kind of answered your question, in a round about way, that actually most people you're aiming at (ie. fish forums and fish based classified adds) aren't going to want your fish. As the only demand for them is as a 'bog standard betta from a fish shop'. I think this will always be your best bet for moving the fry on because this is where the demand is. But the price may be dissapointing and you'll need to 'cast your net wide' (no pun intended! :lol:) to find enough places to take them.

Anyways, all in all. I think this is what people were trying to get across. And people are only ever thinking of the fishes welfare so their hearts are in the right place, and the frustration (not malice) comes across in their posts.

Good luck. And I'd definitely suggest you invest in some top quality breeding pairs if you're serious about breeding. If you ask around you'll hopefully be able to find some places that can import for you. Aquabid might be a good place to start, though I don't think there are many UK transhippers and I'm not a betta breeder so cant really help point you towards any. Eitherways, though they'd be expensive, they actually would be an investment. Cause not only would you be breeding something you though (presumably) was equally as attractive as your current guys, but chances are others would agree with you more often so you wont have as much trouble finding homes or shops that want them.
I'd say keep back half a dozen or so of the best offspring (you never know, you might end up with something a bit different) and pass the rest on to the shop. The prettier ones of the batch will be much easier to sell on here- it's probably best to wait until nearer to selling size and posting individual pictures.
id like to thank all the people who were nice and have given me some useful advice.
i will definately consider getting a fancier pair.
and i will post pics of the ones that are good looking.
thanks englishbattas

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