Betta For Sale?!?!

Just realised who you are. In your other thread, you said you'd got a home sorted for this batch.
You really are coming across as someone who just wants to breed bettas for the fun and has no real long term plans. You let them breed without researching what you were going to feed the fry on, and before you'd found that out, you'd got another pair together, wondering why they wouldn't breed. Where are you going to put those fry when they need separating? You're 13, are your parents up for having hundreds of containers all over the house?
Your fry are likely to be mostly blue veiltails which are 10-a-penny in every LFS and unlikely to sell well, especially on eBay where most are much fancier.
Sorry to be a bit harsh, but you're contradicting yourself in posts.
actually my mum and i are working as a partner to breed! i did research on feeding i was just wondering if anyone wanted to share their tips on what they fed theirs! and as for the home for them it is a small fish shop who wont pay me but will give me money in return and i was curious to see if anyone was interested in having them! as for the pair not breeding i plan in making this quite big as it is me and my mum together doing it for a sort of hobby! and i do want to breed them for fun but in a serious way to! yes my mum is willing to have containers round the house! and i don't care about how people probably wont be interested in them, because their father has amazing fins and is the most beautiful betta Ive ever seen.
that post you made offended me and i will do what i want and i apologize for being curious!!!!!!!! i didnt expect to make a huge profit from them anyway.
i hope this answered your questions on what i do,
look people do you give molly and guppy keepers this speech about unwanted fry at this size if they dont have homes they can make a yummy treat for bigger fish its no crime
You can't stop mollies and guppies breeding, this batch of fry was deliberately produced by someone who hadn't researched into it. Fair enough mistake. But to not realise that after lots of advice and then try and breed some more-not on.
According to her profile, she has no other fish, and it's the concern of fighting if they aren't split up that is more the worry. for molly and guppy fry - - they can live together harmoniously. betta fry cannot - - the males will all have to be separated and it is very hard to rehome hundred of veiltail males - -so yes, there is a huge difference
See what I mean about the contradicting? Your original post said
i cant find anywhere to have them (fish/pet shop)
now your mum owns a fish shop and is having them. Is she paying for all the containers from the business funds? I think you said this batch of fry was 30-35? They can run into the hundreds which is something you have to consider.
and i don't care about how people probably wont be interested in them,
Well you should care 'cos they're all living creatures you have bought into the world and you're responsible for them.
I wasn't dissing your fish, I had a blue veiltail and they are beautiful fish, But they are very common meaning your chances of selling them are less. You can just enjoy them for what they are, you don't have to breed them.
Please listen to what a lot of people on here have said and take it slowly for the fishes' sake. Get your first batch grown up, separated out and healthy. See how they sell in your mum's shop and then go from there :good:
look, let me get this straight, i am not a child, i am not doing it on my own it is a partnered thing with my mum who has years of fish experience, i am doing fine and i do know what i am going to do if i end up with loadsa fry, it was just a simple question to see if anyone was interested, dont treat me as if i am six, because i am not! i know what i am doing, yes i do know that i will need to separate them. no one advised me not to breed them and if they did then i would have probably not listened because me and my mum know what we are doing, i joined this site to share my advice-which i have quite a lot of for my age!!!!!, and to ask simple questions and for them to get answered. yes i do plan on becoming a betta breeder i am not wayy over my head, in fact i quite enjoy doing it, i do have reserve pet shops on hold to take my fish in return for products and stuff if no one wants to buy them which some of my school friends do!
i ask questions and expect to get them answered not get a load of harsh comments from people i dont know saying that I dont know what I am doing. i do have the funds and resources available and i know what i am doing and i will ask the odd question now and then for some advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my fish are all kept in proper tanks with gravel, heating and filtration and are treated like normal fish not breeding machines. i cant say how much this has annoyed me to come up and read this its not fair on me, i say 'if you dont like why post and be mean!
this is pretty much all i have to say to everything and if you are not interested in buying my fish then this post os not for you!
siobhan-and yes i am a Betta Breeder!!!!
look people do you give molly and guppy keepers this speech about unwanted fry at this size if they dont have homes they can make a yummy treat for bigger fish its no crime
You can't stop mollies and guppies breeding, this batch of fry was deliberately produced by someone who hadn't researched into it. Fair enough mistake. But to not realise that after lots of advice and then try and breed some more-not on.
According to her profile, she has no other fish, and it's the concern of fighting if they aren't split up that is more the worry.
ARGHHHHHHH, for the last time i do know what i am doing!! i am not a child, i knwo they need to be separated, i had done loadsa research in to it!!! Stop giving me hassle!!

See what I mean about the contradicting? Your original post said
i cant find anywhere to have them (fish/pet shop)
now your mum owns a fish shop and is having them. Is she paying for all the containers from the business funds? I think you said this batch of fry was 30-35? They can run into the hundreds which is something you have to consider.
and i don't care about how people probably wont be interested in them,
Well you should care 'cos they're all living creatures you have bought into the world and you're responsible for them.
I wasn't dissing your fish, I had a blue veiltail and they are beautiful fish, But they are very common meaning your chances of selling them are less. You can just enjoy them for what they are, you don't have to breed them.
Please listen to what a lot of people on here have said and take it slowly for the fishes' sake. Get your first batch grown up, separated out and healthy. See how they sell in your mum's shop and then go from there :good:
i never said my mum had a fish shop i said i knew a fish shop that will take them if needed and i only put that i had nowhere to get them to go as in i didnt have a fish shop who would actually pay me!!
ellena just so you can learn the same way as kids do
yes you can stop mollys having fry the same as you can stop young bettas tearing each other apart SEPERATION i think you called it
OK, apart from keeping them separate, you can't stop them breeding. I presumed from you saying about other fish eating them you were just talking about a standard community setup with mixed sexes. You can't keep bettas together mixed sexes, so no fry without deliberate planning.
Sorry, misread the bit about the shop being your mum's. So you and your mum are breeding them at home, you have the food, you have the containers, you have the future homes for them?
Enjoy :good:

Don't let anyone upset you!! If you know what you are doing than great! Have fun with the hobby and good luck finding homes for your betta fry! :)
englishbetta dont listen to everthing people on this forum say they are only people and are sometimes wrong and sometimes to an outsider its hard to join there "club"
scot :)
oh lots of people here do reasearch but often fail so at least your doing something right
english sorry about them, if you are looking to sell your fish may i suggest taking this thread to the classified section.

there you will have more people interested in buying and less interested in scolding.
Englishbettas me and you both have quite abit of experience but in different sujects. Mine is common livebearers so if you ever get any and you need advice just ask me and i'll help all i can. This is just a random post as you said you had alot of experience and i think you do if your mum is helping you then i think this is worth a shot but do listen to some of the things said like 'get this batch grown up before you breed again' and depending on what the fry are like which i suspect is blue veiltales i might (stressing the word might) think about buying a male off you in about 7-8 weeks time. There is one thing i will say if i do end up buying one off you i won't pay £3 for 1 male because my LFS sell male halfmoons for £5 which is cheap and veiltales for 50p all in top condition.
I hope this all made sense.

Your LFS sounds fab misscosmo. Whereabouts do you live?
Are you in the UK? If so there is a site called aquaristsclassified which would be a good place for you to list them for sale when they are ready.

If you are planning another spawning, I would suggest, if you can that you choose more unusual tail types than the veil tail, if you look on ebay & similar sites you will notice that they are seldom sold & end up the lonely souls in the LFS.

The first time you breed betta's is a very steep learning curve, so from this one, take all the experience you can & then you'll know what things to do differently next time.

For example, feeding the babies, they really do need more than liquifry, they wont grow very fast on this. You need microworms or similar live foods, I dont like BBS as I find them a pain to hatch, but microworms are just a tupperware container, one culture & your done.

When they are old enough to sell, take pictures & list them on the classified section here, on the site mentioned above or ebay. But you might find with VTs you may have to accept the store credit from your local LFS.

For the next few weeks, give them lots of water changes, good high protein foods & they should grow quick & healthy. I would love to see pictures of them, good luck!

If you want to take a look in the journal section, i've popped some piccies up of my babies
I would sell the fry for no more than £1. You can get blue veiltails with red wash really cheap any where. The next time you breed upgrade to something higher in demand such as HM, DT, HMPK, or even CTs.

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