Betta Fish Won't Fan Tail...


New Member
May 22, 2007
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I recently bought three bettas, all for separate tanks of course. Two of them seem chipper and excited and adjusted really well to their new homes. The third one has been a little different. He doesn't swim around his bowl much and he never once has spread out his beautiful long tail. It doesn't even spread out when he is just kind of setting still.
I was wondering if perhaps he had been in his tiny store cup for so long that that is just the way his tail is? Or if there is anything I can do to make him more comfortable?
Bettas usually clamp their tails when they're cold or depressed, or ill.
Could you tell me the temperature of his tank, the size, and the stats? Ammonia, GH, PH, etc?
If all of these are good, it could be that he's going to need some adjusting before he really opens up and becomes curious about his environment.
Or.. he could be a shy boy who's just uncomfortable about being out in the open. Does he have a cave he can hide in, or plants to hide behind? All of these things are necessary for a healthy, happy, comfortable betta. :)
I used distilled water at room temp, about 73*F-75*F. It is in 1 gal of water with some standard aquarium rocks and a plastic plant with plenty of hiding room. I don't know the ph or anything else really.
I was feeding it both the Betta pellets and frozen brine shrimp. But it seemed to like the shrimp better.
I have only had them for about two weeks and in that time I've cleaned the tanks twice.
The only real odd thing I noticed with this one fish was yesterday there was a slick layer of what looked like oil on the surface. I cleaned him immediately though.
I used distilled water at room temp, about 73*F-75*F. It is in 1 gal of water with some standard aquarium rocks and a plastic plant with plenty of hiding room. I don't know the ph or anything else really.
I was feeding it both the Betta pellets and frozen brine shrimp. But it seemed to like the shrimp better.
I have only had them for about two weeks and in that time I've cleaned the tanks twice.
The only real odd thing I noticed with this one fish was yesterday there was a slick layer of what looked like oil on the surface. I cleaned him immediately though.

Okay, first thing is first.. Aaaaaah! No distilled water!
Fix that immediately. Use some kind of water other than distilled (tap/spring) something, because distilled is awful for your bettas.
Some nutrients in water, the bettas do NEED. Distilled is empty of everything and anything beneficial to your fish.
You need to grab yourself some dechlorinator and tap water quick.
This could be the reason your betta is so listless.
Secondly, you should really get test strips to test your water in case of ammonia spikes, etc.
And in a 1 gallon aquarium, you should be WCing them every.. 2 -3 days, because of the small amount of water.

Also, you might consider switching plants to a silk plant that won't tug on his pretty, silky fins.. And perhaps making him a cheap cave using an old yogurt cup, or something else that would need to be washed with scalding water and peel the stickers off.

Also, you might consider getting a heater, because that temperature is a bit low for bettas. They are tropical fish, after all.
Perhaps a heating pad or something similiar? :)
They should be around 75 - 82.. Ish.
Wow, ok... I guess I should have joined this forum before reading all the other sites out there... you know they all say something different about what is “proper Betta careâ€￾.
I will work on some on your suggestions ASAP.
I just thought since 1 out of three of the fish reacted this way in the exact same conditions, that maybe there was just something wrong with him...
Wow, ok... I guess I should have joined this forum before reading all the other sites out there... you know they all say something different about what is “proper Betta careâ€￾.
I will work on some on your suggestions ASAP.
I just thought since 1 out of three of the fish reacted this way in the exact same conditions, that maybe there was just something wrong with him...

I'm sure alot of opinions differ, but I seriously think that the use of distilled water should be a set in stone no no. :)
And the others may not be as sensitive as he is, or are of stronger stock and aren't reacting as badly to the distilled water and low temperatures.
Sorry to bombard you. :good:
I completely agree with Dibari :good:

I also wanted to add that just because it seems room temperature, it may really not be as warm as you think. We keep our home lately at about 80 and if I don't have a heater in my tank is can easily get to around 75..that's keeping the house at 80!! I would get a thermometer in the tank to make sure it's constistant and if you need a heater they are often pretty cheap! Under $10.00!
I appreciate all the help... I just want to be a good Betta parent.
I’ll work on all these suggestions and keep posting changes in my fish’s behavior or if I have more questions!
Sounds good to me! Glad to know you care so much about them, they are lucky to have you :nod:
I know don't if anyone is going to be reading this, but I thought I'd post anyway that my lethargic uptight Betta is doing better. He is even beginning to let his tail fan out. I followed most of the suggestions I was given, especially about the water and changed his food. He loves the BettaMin flakes and eats more vigorously then the other two now. I still give him brine shrimp as a treat too.
Now I have three happy adjusted Bettas!
when he adjusted a little he should start to.His temp should be about 28.Bettas sometimes takes a while to settle in.
when he adjusted a little he should start to.His temp should be about 28.Bettas sometimes takes a while to settle in.

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