Betta fish sitting at bottom and then rushing back up and going back

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Fish Fanatic
Mar 31, 2021
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My male betta fish was acting fine yesterday and today and then I just did a 30% water change and cleaned out the sponge filter and algae on top of the heaters. I was gravel vacuuming the tank and he got under it (it didn't suck him into it the vacuum was like 2 inches from him) and some sand came out and he ate it. There was also stuff floating in the water from the sponge filter. IDK if it could have caused anything.

Now he's acting super weird. He lies at the bottom of the tank, but he still moves around just at the substrate. When I put my finger to the water like I'm going to feed him he rushes up and then dashes vertically downwards quickly as if he's afraid of the surface.

I did accidentally frighten him twice when I was changing the water but I don't know if it's the cause.
He's I think 2.5-4 years old anywhere between that range. I don't think he will eat.

This happened all of the sudden out of nowhere and I'm really stressed out right now.
I will test nitrate/nitrite levels soon I already did ammonia it was a normal lvl.

By the way, my female betta fish is perfectly fine she's acting normal IDK what's wrong with my male betta! The only thing is that he's older and he ate the sand.

It's late at night and I don't know if I can respond too much because we're going somewhere tomorrow and coming back at night.

Please help!
Sorry for any grammar mistakes.
he's literally fine. eating. active. yeah... I just went to check on him after I posted the topic and he was back to normal. :/
he scared me half to death...

do you guys think he was resting? or just scared of smth?
anyways I'm glad he's fine. :) water parameters are good too.
haha yeah I'm glad he's fine :)
not the first time my fish have freaked me out about something.

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