If you're a cory and you know it clap your.. hands
Take the betta back to the store tbh
Take the betta back to the store tbh
I have acually moved the 19 fish into a 23 gallon tank. and the gold fidh into a 15 gallon. Also i moved my betta into a fish bowl.Then set up a separate 5 gallon tank for him with mature filter media from your main tank, as soon as you possibly can. Don't forget to get a heater and some soft plants for him to hide in. He can't live in a breeding compartment for the rest of his days. You also need to rehome the goldfish if you can't provide the space for them. I notice you say you have 19 other fish in a TEN GALLON? You are vastly overstocked.
I'm assuming you asked for your money back...
good job on upgrading tank size
Personally i would buy that tank you were linked to, i keep my betta in one, buy a nano heater (10 watt) and a sponge filter =)