I second @Ch4rlie 's recommendation for the API master test kit, there's a reason we all use it :) The dip strips aren't that accurate, and when something is wrong, accuracy is what we need. I'm pondering whether there might be some issue with your source water that isn't helping, so being able to test that accurately might help too.

Dip strips here cost about £12 for 25 tests, while the API kit has 800 tests worth, so it really is better value in the long run, and the accuracy of a liquid test kit is so much better than a dip strip.
Testing strips?

Is that the testing kit you’ve been using.

Have to mention that this type of test kit is not the best out there, nor the cheapest either.
These usually come as 5 in one tests but does not include ammonia.
Also not all that reliable as it’s easily contaminated and not always accurate either.
As a very basic rough guide to water parameters, ok, but when it comes to more accurate numbers especially for illnesses and fin rot, then you need a better kit imho.

My recommendation is to get a liquid based testing kit rather than the strip dip stick kind.

Would say that API Freswater Master test kit is better value and more importantly reliable and more accurate as long as instructions are followed properly.

This is a screenshot taken from Amazon website, I’m in the UK but they are available in the US as well so you can easily purchase one of these online if you wish to do so.
View attachment 118874
Nope that’s the one I ordered! Sorry I didn’t mean to say strips, I already had this kit but I don’t know where I put it anymore lol. But yeah that’s exactly what I got. Also @Deanasue well then I’m not really sure what other meds I could possible try at this point. I’m very new at this. I guess maybe I could try the kanaplex again sometime later on. Not sure. And as for the picture, I’ll try to get another one today, I’m not near him right now. But nothing about his appearance changed from the last picture I uploaded just a few days ago.
I do agree with you all that I should check into my water soon since all the meds could affect my cycle and parameters. I’ll keep you guys updated :) and we can go from there. Thank you so much :D

Hi everyone,
I just completed a water test on betta’s tank and wanted to share. So I totally believe my pH is completely off, the ammonia in the tank seems maybe slightly up I can’t really tell. I’m assuming that’s from the rounds of antibiotics he had that killed some bacteria. But fear not i am doing regular water changes to help. What do you guys think my steps should be now?



You should try and get the pH down. You can use almond leaves, peat, drift wood, and lots of live plants. Once the tank goes acid (6.8)any ammonia will turn to non toxic ammonium. and this guy will be happier.
You should try and get the pH down. You can use almond leaves, peat, drift wood, and lots of live plants. Once the tank goes acid (6.8)any ammonia will turn to non toxic ammonium. and this guy will be happier.

Thank you!Is everything else within limits for a betta? In case I am missing the requirements.
Hopefully more almond leaves and pH testing, maybe an extra pH lowering solution if necessary will help him. I’ll bring it down, monitor with clean water and maybe some salt?
I will check back once I get the pH down :) until then no meds for him. @Ch4rlie do you think it would best to wait it out before considering meds again?
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Hi guys! I am staying on top of water changes and just taking care of him as usual. But does any one have any further ideas for stubborn fin rot? Can I try kanaplex again in a few weeks? What are my options?
Hi guys! I am staying on top of water changes and just taking care of him as usual. But does any one have any further ideas for stubborn fin rot? Can I try kanaplex again in a few weeks? What are my options?
Hi, I just wondered how your Betta is doing? I’m having the same problem and am trying everything, he’s in methylene blue atm and I have kanaplex on order, nothing has worked so far so I was just interested if your little guy ever got better or if I am just fighting a loosing battle?
You can try Furan-2. It fights bacterial infections. Keep up with clean water and add aquarium salt at 1/2 tablespoon per 5 gallons. Make sure it’s dissolved first. After first water change and salt, only add enough salt to replace what was removed. Ex: 50% water change = 1/; tablespoon of dissolved salt added back. :)
You can try Furan-2. It fights bacterial infections. Keep up with clean water and add aquarium salt at 1/2 tablespoon per 5 gallons. Make sure it’s dissolved first. After first water change and salt, only add enough salt to replace what was removed. Ex: 50% water change = 1/; tablespoon of dissolved salt added back. :)
Hi deanasue, I did salt for 4 weeks, no improvement, the tried furan 2 with no improvement, I am now trying methylene blue which I am using direct in the tank as he gets so stressed with moving. The methylene blue I think has improved his situation but it’s hard to tell cos I can’t really see him, still has small white fluffy bits at end of his fins. My water parameters are spot
On. I’m goino to leave him in methylene blue for 2 weeks and then as a last resort try kanaplex, do u think this is the best course of action? This was all originally caused by an injury that never healed.
I still have furan 2 if u think I should try a second course! I really am at a loss and desperate to help him get better!

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