Betta Female Question?

i have put a male and female betta together after conditioning them. dont tell me off i know what i am doing i just want to ask a quick question that i would like answered. i put her in his tank and he flared at her for a bit and she showed no interest just swam away. the tank is at the right temp and all that but they dont show any interest in each other. should i remove the female and try another or leave them to see if they like each other or not. oh yeah what is the minimum age to breed bettas??? please could you answer these questions and nothing else!!
thank englishbetas

First off, she swam away because she wasn't ready to spawn, end of. They do that even if there is one massive hell of a bubble nest, if she isn't loaded with eggs she won' be intrested that much. From the above it sounds like you conditioned them in seperate tanks, it's got to be done in the same tank either divided or by the chimmney method and even after that when introduced together it may take a few days, it may just happen within seconds, but you have to watch for the female to have vertical stripes on her body. If she has these then you know she's getting in the mood for spawning. There are lots of things to watch out for and it's a big learning curve.

I think you should consider the chimney method I mentioned :)
finally, someone nice!! :good: and i have tried that before and it just made them stressed and they kept jumping out so i gave up, plus i find that by just putting the two together you get them to like each other and they dont fight as much, but thanks for the advice anyway!!

I haven't heard many female bettas actually jumping the chimney - maybe it was just yours? You could try another female and try the chimney method and see if it works out better.

Maybe you should use a bigger chimmney, or just cover the one you have.

i have put a male and female betta together after conditioning them. dont tell me off i know what i am doing i just want to ask a quick question that i would like answered. i put her in his tank and he flared at her for a bit and she showed no interest just swam away. the tank is at the right temp and all that but they dont show any interest in each other. should i remove the female and try another or leave them to see if they like each other or not. oh yeah what is the minimum age to breed bettas??? please could you answer these questions and nothing else!!
thank englishbetas
OK, My turn! Big eyes if you don't have any thing to contribute to helping someone new to breeding SHUT UP!! How is someone supposed to learn if they don't try? I usually place the female in a floating cup or jar and yes sometimes they jump out. I try to wait until the male makes a bubblenest before releasing the female at night just before lights out. As long as one is not beating the other up too badly I leave them together. Sometimes up to a week or more. I recently had a girl literally beat the crap out of the male and took her out then placed her with another male that night. The next day I came home to eggs in the nest. I started breeding Betta's over 40 years ago with a 98 cent 15 page book on Betta's without the aid of a forum so if people don't want to help a person new to Betta's why are they on here?

Chard56, could not agree more with you. How is anyone going to learn if they don't try? they don't, cause they can't learn from thier mistakes. I got some questions asked about the way I started mine to spawn cause I left the female in with the male for about 11 days, plus I shouldn't have taken the male out so quick after the spawning, but they wern't there and I was, end of, like it or lump it.

englishbettas, if you need anymore help, please feel free to PM me i'll try and help you as much as I can.

Regards Dog

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