Betta Cottage

Don't forget step by step pics! Document everything, that's what I do-we all love pics

Any word from the breeder yet?
Yes name chart good idea, you can have it as a reward chart but more of a who is bullying who with stickers :D

So looking forward to seeing what you are going to do with this :)
Here's what I have so far!


20 long tank
Fluval/aquaclear 30 (I got this one because of the adjustable flow) with 150 gph
Liquid CO2
150 watt adjustable heater
Glass hood
Light strip with 30inch T8, 17 watt full spectrum lamp.
I've found a snag in my plan: the stand I was going to get at wal mart to save money only fits twenty gallon HIGH aquariums. I'm upset.
Which stand?  They have a black metal/iron look one that I use with 20 gallon long tanks.  The tank hangs over the edge a small bit on either side but it works very well and is only $30.

The only one they had was a beat up looking metal stand for a ten gallon/20 high tank. It's 30 dollars. My wal mart sucks butt.
That is probably the one I have my 20 gallon long sitting on like in the picture.  A 10 gallon fits on the shelf underneath.
Aaagh. I have it set up! I'm alone now, so I thought if give you guys an update on the setting up. I'm thinking this heater needs to go diagonally. What do you all think? Also, I am giving you a bonus "the factory screwed up and put the handle to the versa-top on the wrong side so now I can't open it correctly" picture. The handle won't come off. I'll have to fashion one out of some wood or something.


Yep that is the stand I have and it works great.  I want to get another one and transfer my other 20 gallon long off of its more flimsy stand.  
That is crazy that the handle was put on wrong.  Is the hinge siliconed to the glass?  If not, then you can pull out the glass and flip it over and reinsert into the hinge. It will be a PITA though cause the glass does not like to go into the hinge.  LOL    I would lay the heater horizontally closer to the bottom middle if it were me.  Otherwise things are looking really good.  :)
I think it's glued in there. I tried taking the glass from the hinge but it wouldn't budge.

Definitely going to switch the position of the heater. I just need to check that the whole thing can be submerged, including the thermostat.

I'll probably pick up the stand tonight and try it out. You don't have any problems with the overhang, do you?
I have had a 20 gallon long sitting on that stand ever since I got it.  I would say at least a year ago easy.  Have no problems at all with the overhang.  
That is major annoying if the glass is glued to the hinge which would mean that you would not be able to easily flip the piece over to where it would work correctly.  
Sounds like an awesome project, I'll be following it for sure! :) (I'm sooooooo curious already to meet your female Bettas)
Can't you write to the company about the lid/handle problem? Maybe they'll send you a replacement!
Okay cool. I'll be going to get the stand in a bit then.

I'm also going to adhere a few pieces of something to the correct side of the glass so I can actually work it properly.
Meeresstille said:
Sounds like an awesome project, I'll be following it for sure! :) (I'm sooooooo curious already to meet your female Bettas)
Can't you write to the company about the lid/handle problem? Maybe they'll send you a replacement!
I could, but that's really a hassle. A quick fix will be no issue. If eater not make a fuss about it. I'm also excited to see my girls. :)

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