Betta Coloration

I think of my fish, Six is my fave - color wise.

He has the personality and uumph of a stick, but he's beautiful.
I guess Yura is a pretty odd colour... and Ipos, he's my new copper :)
Vassago's colour has been cropping up more and more lately, but his brother Abrid is the only one like that I've ever seen with a blue pineapple pattern on his body



Abrid (He has speckles like Vassago too, but they don't show up well on camera)
Here's one that I JUST got from wuv. (okay, it was almost a week ago) I think he's strikingly gorgeous.


Black, blue, and green, mostly. The flash makes him look more blue, but in person there's green on him.
I've never seen another betta like Kai :wub:

And, I just love my metallic plakat Ula :wub:

And Nat's betta is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen :wub:

Kiarra, your fish is soooooo beautiful! And I always thought Mystic was to die for!

But I have to say, I'm a sucker for purple fish so I love Ipos too! :p
Well, of all my bettas, I love Bob's colours the best. He is a marble. I had never seen one like him until I joined this forum.


I also really like Goldies colour. You can't really see it in the pic, but his fins have irridescent blue streaks


Everyone, your bettas are soooooooo pretty! :drool: :wub:
FishEnthusiast said:
Everyone, your bettas are soooooooo pretty! :drool: :wub:
Definitely...I agree. Beautiful colors.
Vassago has some really rare spots..I've never seen any of those in my lfs.
My digital camera sucks, so you'll have to live with my descriptions :p. I have one boy that looks like Yura (see top of page), a pale yellow CT and a red VT with a strange clear bit in his tail... Its nothing to worry about and its not a bit growing back either, he's had it since I got him.
All very pretty :wub:

But I think "BoB" looks more like a Thai Flag then a Marble lol
Very pretty fishes, all. Here's my favorite of all mine (and sadly he passed away on Monday...poor baby)
White Fish (aka Miles)

And here's my Bo... Black orange marble double tail that I got from BC Betta
I gotta say...Ipos is the most striking betta I've ever seen, followed closely by Six.

:drool: :hyper: :drool: :kewlpics:

Actually I think its a tie, since both are absolutely stunning. I like Saucy's miles also.

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