And here he is in all his glory! I had to add his name because, well... I just think he's a star. And the pics from the other thread really helped me get that silver color he has under his chin just right.
I'm going to try to tackle the little girl on the bottom, but with a tail like that, it's going to be hit or miss.
Really? I'm so glad you think so! I was rather proud of myself hehe. Now this little crowntail, SHE'S a different story. I'll add her name too if you tell me what it is. That is, IF I can get her to look right LOL!
Sorry splash! I saw in the name of the pic that it said females, so I naturally assumed... How emasculating!
kairi- Go ahead and post them, if I don't get to them tonight, I might feel the urge in the future!
Zafirah- Er... Hmm... Any colors you like? Cambodian coloring can be just about anything, can't it? You can try doing a search on to get me an example pic.
Haha yeah I put his picture in the wrong folder, lol. hes reading over my shoulder (His tank is next to sage) and said he accepts you apology!! lol, see this is why people think I'm crazy, I not only talk TO my fish, I talk FOR my fish
No worries, Darby has to put up with baby talk. It's just that they give you THAT look, ya know? Like they're listening and really thinking.
Okay, and now that I've totally ruined his rep with the ladies, here is Splash, in all HIS glory.
(Although let's face it, he DOES have pink on him... Even if it is rather maroon-ish.)
Sure! Do you have a favorite that you want me to do first?
I might have to start a rule of one betta per request. If they turn out to be easy enough though, I don't mind.
I can certainly give it a shot! Crown tails are all so different. I think I'll use the template I made for Splash. Wouldn't want Darby getting jealous.