Betta Artwork

could just upload to photobucket n post link if ya cant get the img tags to work
Here it is! :D


Wow all amazing - jeres an old 1 i did

BWBettas, nice work.

MaddieJ, yours is very simple and stylized, I like that.

Geo7x, good eye for detail! Very nice.

Synnir, I think the bettas are cute. I like the way his body curves (second one). I drew a merbetta too! But I lost it! *Sobs* I like Merbetta’s face. *Purs*

Whisperian, NICE work. I like how stylized those are, they’re very much your personal style.

Fish Fetish65, Good job! Love your bushfish. He’s cuuuute!

Aimo, SO COOL! That’s so different! I like that; that is neat.

Okay and here’s mine everybody. FISHY WISHY! I love to draw their cute little faces. :3

I hope to enter this one in the state fair, but I’m concerned it’s too small.

Anyone recognize him? ^_^

These are all commissions for various people. So I don’t have the originals anymore.




This one I did for Splashluff.
wow styx, you are quite the artist!!! what did you use to color your creations, if you dont mind my asking? oil paints?
fish_fetish65, I used mixed media. Combined I can use all of the following or just some depending on the piece, pencil, pen, marker, colored pencil, acrylic paint, watercolor paint.

Wisperian, thanks. X3
Nice drawings/paintings you got there, Styx. :hey: Did you take up fine arts or something?

Wow Styx! Great works you got their!

And Geo, you inspired me to draw that fish, I don't think it'll come out like yours but I can try can't I? lol

When Im done I will post it :D
amio, I was kicked out of my FA classes in my first HS, but I took it in middle school and for a year in my second HS.

RESGuy, thanks.
amio, I was kicked out of my FA classes in my first HS, but I took it in middle school and for a year in my second HS.

RESGuy, thanks.

Cool. Keep it up. :D I'm an FA major myself. Sixth year in college and enjoying. :hey:


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