betta aquariums

Itll take longer than 1 week to fully cycle the tank. It can take more than a month in most cases
Itll take longer than 1 week to fully cycle the tank. It can take more than a month in most cases
wow. i don’t understand about adding ammonia? what about the start right chemicals bought OTC ?
wow. i don’t understand about adding ammonia? what about the start right chemicals bought OTC ?
I cycled my tank using Tetra SafeStart Plus, which adds all the necessary bacteria immediately (they just need time to start their colony, it can be faster but it's not immediate). The bottle has very little in the way of instructions so if you'd like I can link a site I found very helpful.

Otherwise, your source of ammonia can be chemical or you can just add fish food and let it decay. You'll need a test kit in either case (API master test kit widely recommended) to monitor your levels and know when it's safe. Plenty of seasoned fish keepers can help you with the step-by-steps!
I cycled my tank using Tetra SafeStart Plus, which adds all the necessary bacteria immediately (they just need time to start their colony, it can be faster but it's not immediate). The bottle has very little in the way of instructions so if you'd like I can link a site I found very helpful.

Otherwise, your source of ammonia can be chemical or you can just add fish food and let it decay. You'll need a test kit in either case (API master test kit widely recommended) to monitor your levels and know when it's safe. Plenty of seasoned fish keepers can help you with the step-by-steps!
thank you. i have a test kit. a helpful link would be appreciated.
i’m going to log off for awhile but will check tomorrow
thank you. i have a test kit. a helpful link would be appreciated.
i’m going to log off for awhile but will check tomorrow
This is the site that I used, it really helps if you need to know every detail like I do. Do you know what to look for when testing during the cycle?

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