betta and Otocinclus


Fish Fanatic
Mar 18, 2021
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Plymouth uk
ok so im looking for a betta mate and ive seen so many cool cleaners but they ether dont work or dont fit in my 6 gallon. would a betta work in a 6 gallon with 2-3 otocinclus.
No, Betta fish are not community fish and shouldn’t be kept as such.

The Betta in the 6g tank is good, no ottos.
A 6 gallon tank wouldn't provide enough of a food source for one Otto, let alone 3. And Ottos should ideally be kept in numbers upwards of 6.
Bettas should be kept solitary as other fish stress them out.
Also, I thought Bettas liked water warmer than ottos do?
Have you considered snails as a clean-up crew option? There are all different types from nerites (which are good for eating algae) to rabbit snails which look cool
No I know there can only be one betta but what I'm asking is if the ottos would be OK in there
No I know there can only be one betta but what I'm asking is if the ottos would be OK in there
No, we're saying (male) Bettas should be kept solitary. No other fish, even non Bettas. I know people do and theres the youtubers who say you can.. but, its opinion i guess. They're solitary creatures who are stressed out by any other fish.
Might not show that their stressed initially, depends on the Betta. Some go on a rampage and kill everything, others bottle it up and let it run them down. Disease usually kills those ones. Heightened stress levels in fish (well, most animals) releases cortisol which hinders the immune system. The biggest part of fish keeping is doing our up most to ensure our fish are not stressed out. Otherwise you end up spending your time scratching your head whilst staring at the bottles of medicine in the LFS.
Male bettas rarely get along with other fish, and 6 gallons is not enough for a school of otos. Have you considered getting one or two nerite snails?

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