Have you personally used this german site to order shrimp i'm just concearned about them coming to the uk alive
I've bought stuff from them a few times and had no deaths. As long as they're packed properly there shouldn't be problems shipping shrimp. A heat pack, insulation and something for the shrimp to cling to is vital. I got mine overnight even though the site says 2 days. Personally I wouldn't buy if it took more than 2 days as the risk goes up dramatically.
I've also bought off ebay, some tiger shrimp from gogosnails and that was good too, no deaths and healthy shrimp. I bought from Trimar and had some deaths, probably due to poor packaging (bags of water instead of a heat pack and newspaper in cardboard as insulation).
If you're struggling to read the site, try google language tools. That will translate the whole site. If you need help, email or call as they speak English. Details are down at the bottom of the site somewhere.
There's a site called Aqua Essentials that has some shrimp in the UK. I've never bought shrimp from them but have bought gravel and they were very professional.
P.S. Greg, Red Cherry shrimp mioght be the best bet. Cheap, colourful and quite hardy. The other dwarf shrimp (Crystal red, Tiger etc) would be safe but are fairly delicate. I'd avoid Amanos, which can be a bit too lively for a baby fish, and anything called 'longarm' (macrobrachium) because they'll massacre your fish.