Best Way To Transport Fish In A Car?


Fish Crazy
Nov 19, 2004
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Isle of Wight, UK
Going to buy fish from a fish shop tomorrow, and they will have a 20-30 minute car journey.

Someone else will be holding them while I drive, but what can I do to keep them warm etc?
Going to buy fish from a fish shop tomorrow, and they will have a 20-30 minute car journey.

Someone else will be holding them while I drive, but what can I do to keep them warm etc?

they will be fine for that time ;)
They'll probably be ok, but my favorite way to transport them is just on of those cheap styrofoam coolers. There as good at keep heat in as well as cold. Just stuff a blanket or something to keep the bag up right and stable.
They'll be fine but the best way to minimize stress is to keep them somewhere dark like in a paper lunch bag. Other than that you dont need to worry about heat etc.
A small cooler works well in colder weather. I've bought fish in the winter without a cooler, I usually wear a button down flannel under my coat. Stick the fish bag in your shirt for the drive home. :)
I bought 6 baby red bellied pirahas back yesterday from hillingdon down the m40 stopping at tesco on the way (to get them some food) and they were in the bag for about 50mins but were fine... Didnt take any special precautions, just in the bag in a paper bag in a white bag....

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