Best peaceful yellow fish?

I already have it: there’s Glowlight tetras in the stocking. Honestly, it’s really fine. The mystery snails and shrimp are good, and this frees me some fish space up. I think I might go with a apistogramma species, since they come in some yellows. Do a all-male or all-female group of them. Or maybe I’ll do something like a diamond tetra where it’s shiny and looks kind of yellow in the right light.
I already have it: there’s Glowlight tetras in the stocking. Honestly, it’s really fine. The mystery snails and shrimp are good, and this frees me some fish space up. I think I might go with a apistogramma species, since they come in some yellows. Do a all-male or all-female group of them. Or maybe I’ll do something like a diamond tetra where it’s shiny and looks kind of yellow in the right light.
Sounds like a great idea. The more space for fish the better! Another idea would be glow light tetras.
Increasingly, given the choices, it seems ditching the Betta makes sense. Or getting a Cambodian it's the yellow fish and you can just get some nice tetras.

Blue eyed Congos are auriantacus, and they are wonderfull, delicate (did I say delicate? I meant delicate) rarities. A fishfarm Betta would kill them with the diseases it carries.
…yeah, I think I’ll just give up and build a betta tank into the stand for my betta needs. Can you elaborate on what you mean by a Cambodian betta, however?

I actually have seen the blue-eyed Congo tetras for sale at a really big fish store in Dayton. They were awesome. At the time I thought they were some type of cichlid, though.
And on a side note, holy crap are they expensive. 30 bucks for a fish. Like…maybe try to get a male and female and breed them to keep costs down?

I think I’ll just take honey gouramis as my yellow fish. They’re pretty, yellow, and do the cute thing with their little “hand” whiskers.
Cambodian is the term for a specific colour and pattern. Often seen with a white or pale pink body with dark red fins, though there are other colours as well.
My favourite Cambodian Betta was a yellow. It's a very old fancy form, and as @Essjay has noted, the name which used to stand for a yellow Betta only has been hijacked, as usual.
The red fin or pink forms would have had a different name when yellow Cambodians were developed probably 50 plus years ago, but marketing names have no permanence. They change with the wind.
And now, for some arcane reason, the yellow bettas are called non-red…gah, names are ridiculous. I’ve seen a billion pet stores calling their metallic bettas “Yellow dragons” or something stupid like that. It seems common to slap a fancy name on a regular betta to get people to buy it.

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