Best Juicer?


New Member
May 12, 2021
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United States
I'd like your opinion on which juicer to purchase.

I bought a manual Healthy Juicer, which is fantastic for leafy greens and wheatgrass but not practical for everyday use or big amounts of juice. Hand umping enough for 1 nice sized glass takes an eternity.

I'm debating between acquiring a centrifugal juicer best tomato juicer (Breville) to motivate me to juice every day or a single gear juicer (Champion, Omega, or anything else) for quality.

What are your thoughts?
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Best to ask my dear friend Google on that. This is a fish forum.
Some people here use juicers. I had a Breville about 20yrs ago and was great for juicing cats, I mean fruits and veges. Not sure about newer models these days but a decent juicer definitely helps. You can even mix the blended up pulp with the juice so you get the full benefits of whatever you are juicing. :werewolf:

Juicer breaks forcing Colin T to feed his fish whole cat
I liked my breville. Got a fusion juicer currently and I don't rate it. It cuts out regularly and you have to follow too many rules with it. It's also awful at juicing romaine
Odd question for a fish forum lol. Perhaps ask on a social media app. I don’t see the point of a juicer, tbh, just a waste of money when you could just have a blender.
I make quick and easy smoothies with a blender.
My go to smoothie is
a cup of pineapple chunks (canned) with juice from the can
a handful or two of frozen strawberries
One whole banana
2 small 6 oz containers of flavored yogurt
enough cranberry juice to finish filling the blender

blend thoroughly and serve
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My favourite juice is
head of romaine
2 sticks celery
2 apples
1 lemon

Blending that would not work. It'd taste awful. However juicing it gives you a lovely green juice
Well the best is hand one and hand two - put fruit between and SQUEEZE.

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