Best food for Cory Cats?

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You may not lose your shimp. Just some babies will get eaten but some may make it fine to adulthood. Adult shrimp wont be bothered.

I keep mine with ghost shrimp, small males before when i had those, and females. They forage alongside each other. Adult cherry shrimp would be alright too.

I also keep bamboo shrimp just fine with them too.

An adult male trilineatus with a ghost shrimp.
@PheonixKingZ This is what I use. The Omega One Veggie Wafers are cheaper than the bag of wafers you chose. Hope this helps.View attachment 106404

This is a very good selection. As we are talking cories here, the third and fourth are the primary foods, alternating days for variety. The second (Veggie Rounds) can be fed once a week if there are herbivores like whiptails, farlowella, otos, some plecos in the tank, but if not, don't bother. The shrimp and bug bites are both just about the best prepared foods for cories. Upper fish will relish the bug bites too. Afrozen "treat" once a week can offer more vazriety, I use frozen bloodworms and frozen daphnia as their treat a couple hours after the water change. The two prepared foods the rest of the time, and a fast day or two each week won't hurt any fish (except fry of course).
Don't you need to let the food in a cup of water before putting it in the tank so it's not freezed? That's what I was told to do at my LFS

Yes. I was told by a marine biologist some years ago to never feed frozen food without thawing it first. No fish in the tropical waters will ever eat frozen food, and regardless of whether or not this might be injurious, why take the risk? It only takes a few seconds for the food to thaw in a small dish of warm water. You can squirt it in the tank with a pipette or baster (I do this so I get the food to all the fish) or our it in when it is for upper level fish. Most frozen foods come in cubes and are easy to push one or two or three out into the dish and then feed in a few seconds.
Thank you, that was very helpful.

When you guys said, “Shrimp pellets” I thought you meant, “Pellets Male for shrimp.” But you actually meant pellets made from shrimp, lol.
This is a very good selection. As we are talking cories here, the third and fourth are the primary foods, alternating days for variety. The second (Veggie Rounds) can be fed once a week if there are herbivores like whiptails, farlowella, otos, some plecos in the tank, but if not, don't bother. The shrimp and bug bites are both just about the best prepared foods for cories. Upper fish will relish the bug bites too. Afrozen "treat" once a week can offer more vazriety, I use frozen bloodworms and frozen daphnia as their treat a couple hours after the water change. The two prepared foods the rest of the time, and a fast day or two each week won't hurt any fish (except fry of course).
Ok, sounds good.

I already have the regular Omega One tropical flakes, so that’s good. (I guess I never thought that Cory cats could come up and grab food. I think of the, as plecos... :dunno:)

So this is my new list, the FLUVAL bug bites: and the Omega One pellets:

I will most likely get some cheap Tetra algae wafers as a treat, to feed once a week.

I do already have a male albino BNP in there. Will there be fights over food?
You may not lose your shimp. Just some babies will get eaten but some may make it fine to adulthood. Adult shrimp wont be bothered.

I keep mine with ghost shrimp, small males before when i had those, and females. They forage alongside each other. Adult cherry shrimp would be alright too.

I also keep bamboo shrimp just fine with them too.

An adult male trilineatus with a ghost shrimp.
View attachment 106406
Very cute picture!

Ok, that’s a good thing that I won’t loose all of my cherry shrimp. :good:
Ok, sounds good.

I already have the regular Omega One tropical flakes, so that’s good. (I guess I never thought that Cory cats could come up and grab food. I think of the, as plecos... :dunno:)

So this is my new list, the FLUVAL bug bites: and the Omega One pellets:

I will most likely get some cheap Tetra algae wafers as a treat, to feed once a week.

I do already have a male albino BNP in there. Will there be fights over food?

You don't need algae wafers unless you have hebivores (otos, BN, farlowella, whiptail) in the tank.

And most cories willnot come up to feed from the surface, they are substrate filter feeders so the food needs to sink down to them.
You don't need algae wafers unless you have hebivores (otos, BN, farlowella, whiptail) in the tank.

And most cories willnot come up to feed from the surface, they are substrate filter feeders so the food needs to sink down to them.
I do have a male albino BNP in the tank already. I feed him 1-2 blanched cucumber slices every week. But the end of the day that I put it in there, the Pleco has had his share and then my “clean up crew” (Nerite, BRH, and MTS snails) get to work. I shrimp also enjoy it.

I guess my biggest question is, Will there be a fight over food? The BNP will try to get his share, as he is bigger. But the Cory’s will also need food.
To feed them flakes, either drop them in the filter current, or place the flakes under the water and let them fall. They wont take them from the surface
They may go for his veggies and wafers, but it may work out okay.

Mine do steal the wafers from my farlowellas though. But farlows arent as sturdy as a bristlenose so a bristlenose may hold his ground better and not let them take his food so easily.
I do have a male albino BNP in the tank already. I feed him 1-2 blanched cucumber slices every week. But the end of the day that I put it in there, the Pleco has had his share and then my “clean up crew” (Nerite, BRH, and MTS snails) get to work. I shrimp also enjoy it.

I guess my biggest question is, Will there be a fight over food? The BNP will try to get his share, as he is bigger. But the Cory’s will also need food.

A true "fight" over the food is unlikely if you are feeding the Bug Bites and shrimp pellets as there will be a few of the pellets and dozens of the "bugs" on the substrate. My two whiptails and my 41 cories push and shove all over the place but no one goes without.
A true "fight" over the food is unlikely if you are feeding the Bug Bites and shrimp pellets as there will be a few of the pellets and dozens of the "bugs" on the substrate. My two whiptails and my 41 cories push and shove all over the place but no one goes without.

Another question I had, do I need to keep the sand super clean, so they don’t end up eating their (or others fishes) poop? (I just cleaned it a few days ago and it already has a lot of poop on it... :/)
It needs to have a good clean, vacuumed off, but not because of eating poop.

Just to keep it from growing bad bacteria that can damage their barbels and cause infection of their barbels.

Thank to both of you for your help. I’ll ask, when more questions arise. Thanks again! :thanks:

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