Best Flake Food?


I take my fish for walks
Global Moderator ⚒️
May 2, 2009
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Hey, I was just wondering what you guys regard to be the best flake food for nutrition and what not as I have recently been looking at the range there is to vary my fishes diets. I'm going to be buying some bloodworm and possibly some Tetramin crisps seeing as I've had a quick look and they seem to be highly rated and thought it would be best to check with you guys before I go ahead to see if you have anything to suggest.
Surely this is an easy question? :blink:
I bought some very expensive New Life Spectrum after reading some posts here that it was the best fish food in the universe. Too bad my fish wouldn't touch the stuff! Mine enjoy Tetramin Tropical Flakes. I plan to give Hikari or another higher quality brand a chance as I have convinced myself that Tetra is probably low quality.
i use tetra min and my fish seem to enjoy it as a main food but i would also feed microworms and brineshrimp
Tetramin flakes, Hikari algae wafers, frozen bloodworms here. Plus courgette, spinach etc
I've been considering those tetra pro crisps, does anyone rate them? The regular tetramin flakes sound like a must though :)
I give mine tetra pro colour crisps. Goes down well.
I bought some very expensive New Life Spectrum after reading some posts here that it was the best fish food in the universe. Too bad my fish wouldn't touch the stuff!


Oddly enough I started using this stuff along with my tetra min


And the entire community would go frantic for it (including my apistos) and be less enthusiastic about the tetra min when added at the same time?
I use a variety of flakes. Omega One is popular including the Omega One veggie wafers for my cories. Hikari wafers are great. Frozen foods. They eat as much of a variety as my family :lol:

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