best fish

i dont have much in my 10 think a bristenose could work, im pretty used to working with plecos
I never had a pleco. The recommendations seem to be a 30 usg minimum for BN. But like I say, I know nada.

We'll wait on someone more experienced. :)
Bristlenoses can go in a 20g or maybe a 15 if you're experienced with them but IMO anything smaller is too stressful on the fish. Otos are better suited to a smaller tank.
jollysue said:
Sorry I offended you abstract.

no offense taken, i was just stating that i normally wouldn't hijack a thread with arguing like that, but i thought the questioned was already answered so i didn't see the problem with it :*)

as for a BN in a 10 gallon, no'd be best off purchasing something like 3 otos since they stay so small
And even otos bang their head on the glass when they dart around in small tanks. Maybe that's why they get stressed, and what accounts for some of the high fatality. :hyper: :crazy: :sick:

Is there an algae eater that's really suited to the small tank? :dunno:

Still lots of knowledgable people recommend otos as the best choice for the small tank.

We're cool abstract. Emotions were high. I thought I'd send one of our confict resolution therapist. :lol: I thought there were some standing issues, as we say. ;)
snails will eat algae but also produce a lot of waste....otos really are the best bet for a small aquarium...i have 4 in my 10 gallon planted and the only time they dart around like that is when the lights are turned on when they aren't expecting it...the high mortality rates with otos has to do with buying ones that aren't healthy (usually have slightly sunken stomachs and lack the bacteria that break down food in their stomach for them, so have problems with digestion - i believe that's what i've read at least)...assuming you buy one that doesn't have a sunken stomach and supplement their diet with algae wafers a small school should live just fine in a 10g - they are the most suited of any algae eater
i think i want a snail wich one should i get and how many
do they mutiply like crazy
b/c snails over-ran my friends tank
the only snail i can think of that doesn't repoduce really fast are apple snails (as long as you keep your water levels up - they lay their eggs above the water line), yet they will eat your plants unless you get a specific species (i dont remember the scientifc names, etc ) really can't depend on snails to control algae, they don't even come close to a good pleco...they're mostly for looks, if that
ok i have a butterfly pelc and and algea eater they will prob do the job for now until i add my fertz
There are two L-numbered plecs that go under the name too. One is more an omnivore than algae eater although I don't think either is a big algae eater.

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