Best community fish


Fish Addict
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
Bedford, England
My Yo-Yos are definitely my most friendliest fish, and the others in the tank know it too. They follow the Yo-Yo's around when they go hunting for food, and when the Yo-Yo finds some food, they get mugged by the other fishes. For a second they've got that look of, 'I've been mugged call the police fishes!' Then they continue hunting, and forget the crime had just taken place. :D
well I have two favorites. they are my tiger Bargs and my C.julii. the barbs look really cool when they are hungry, they come to the front of the tank and swim up and down side to side. The corydorus glide along the bottom of the tank scavenging for their next meal. :alien:

Daveo :flex:
Without a doubt my clown loaches. They weird the other fish out sometimes by bumping into them, but they're definitely the most fun fish in the tank. :)
For pure entertainment its got to be my clown loaches, but I agree with VIP on the Severums as well. I have one, and although he took a while to settle in, he's now one of my most active and curious fish!!!
Tiger barbs are good community fish as well, just as long as you have enough of them!!
I think you know my answer :whistle:
Any of my loaches. They are all placid tank mates in their respective tanks. In my 15G I have 3 dwarf chain loaches and 2 yoyo Loaches. I also have 3 clown loaches and they are very calm but I love them all so much :).


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