Best community fish

Well, my tank is still being stocked so at the moment the inhabitant that stands out the most is my bamboo shrimp. He clings upside down to the mopani wood right in the bubble stream and waves his fan-hands around. Looks like he's doing the "wax on, wax off" routine :rofl:
My best community fish would have to be either my corys or my Clown Loaches. Both species are extremely friendly and love to play with each other and the other fish. :wub: After them I'd have to say my plecos...they do nothing but work all day and stay out of everyone elses way, and I have to commend them for that.
I would have to say my albino red finned shark. He doesn't bother anyone and is friends with my pleco, they sleep together. :p He is my most interesting looking fish to. Well to most people anyways. ;)
I think my favorites are my dwarf gouramis, specifically one of them, a powder blue named Blue, who always comes to the front of the tank when I come near. I know he sees me as a big tube of fish food, but I enjoy it nonetheless! :p

In close second are my 3 silver dollars, Lucy, Ethel, and Ricky. They will actually follow my finger along the front and sides of the tank. It never ceases to amaze me.

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