Best Colors I've Seen In Walmart


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2010
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I am currently full in my tanks no room for anymore but these are beautiful vt males. All I usually see are red and blue, so I had to get a picture of them. one on the right looks in better condition. Poor guys:(

Disgusting, these kind of conditions should be illegal. Excellent fish though
Poor little things- I agree with SimoUK, it really should be made illegal. It's sad that fish are always over looked when it comes to the welfare of animals.

They have beautiful colourings :3
thats how you are likely to find 99.99% of bettas in the US. even in the good LFS, it is a rarity to find them in breeder traps or in communities. some stores are certainly better than others when it comes to changing the water in the cups.
consequently there are not too many good breeders around in the US-so if you want a betta choices are pretty much non-existent. you buy them in cups.
very handsome boys there! love the coloration :D
Wait, you mean Walmart actually sell fish in conditions like this?

I thought you were probably in America as soon as I saw the pictures. We don't tend to do things like that in the civilised world...
Wow, that kinda comes across as being rather rude :unsure:

I've only ever seen betta in cups over here once, and since going back there they've stopped selling them all together.
If you want to find quality betta's try and get one from the IBC(International Betta Congress) My link/ or on link)
You rarely will find Betta's which are in great conditions in LFS.
Wait, you mean Walmart actually sell fish in conditions like this?

I thought you were probably in America as soon as I saw the pictures. We don't tend to do things like that in the civilised world...

have you ever been to the americas? are you just generalizing north america or specifically the US
being from canada I get pretty ticked when people generalize us all the same and bash us
I have had it happen to me by many british so please be clear

I can't see the pics but it's likely the usual walmart crap
the walmarts here have been banned from keeping fish so thats good
walmart is ####. wonder how long its been since those bettas have last been fed. poor things.
None of the Wal Marts in my area keep fish anymore (South Carolina, USA). But even at Petsmart and Petco they sell Betta's just like that - in small cups. I don't like it.
I live in the US and I've never seen bettas for sale in any different way than they are in that picture with the cups, anywhere.
I'm in the UK and I only saw one shop that had them stocked like that.

I got my guy from a half gallon critter keeper (so not much better), however they all generally mix them in with the other tanks now :)
Hi all,

Terrible conditions these betta's have to live in when at Wal-Mart. I'm Canadian, and I work at an independent pet store (We're in it for the pets, not the cash.) We socialize with our animals everyday, letting the birds out to stretch their wings, guinea pigs into the staff room to run around, hedgehog is handled daily and he was quite scared when we got him, but much happier now. Getting back to bettas... We keep them in with the other fish in a 15-35 gallon tank(so long as they get along) or if we keep them by themselves, they each get a 2 gallon tank, and the water gets changed 10% daily. It just bothers me when people generalize all pet stores to be cruel and harmful to their animals, because the IPS that I work at is not cruel or harmful in anyway.

Oh, almost forgot :fun: We get our dogs(only one at the store at a time) and cats from an animal shelter, we keep them at our store as people are more likely to go to the store than the shelter. They are walked 3 times a day(30 minutes each time) and fed just the right amount so they don't get fat and don't starve.

Long story short :p not all pet stores keep bettas cooped up in tiny cups, and not all pet stores are cruel to their animals.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading :)
it's terrible how bettas get treated - everybody here loves them and they're special but at the pet store they're treated like #105###.

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