Best Brand Of Aquarium?

Newbie fish fan

New Member
May 10, 2008
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I have now had two cold water tanks for my fantail s and both have leaked and crusted up around the seals and lid rim. the last tank did this after only 6 weeks ( tetra art).

I want to move on to looking after tropical fish and have decided on a new tank, but I need recommendation on the best brand tank to buy so I don't have leaking problems. I looked at a vicenza fluval but have heard they have leakage problems. Does anyone have any ideas on great tanks around 200l in volume.?

I also would appreciate ideas on stocking fish types?


C :/
Which country are you in?
The Juwel tanks are good starter "kit" tanks available in the UK. You get the the normal rectangular and also bow front in 180liters / 200 liters.
Don't know about the UK but in the US some good brands are All Glass, Perfecto, and Oceanic.
All Glass tanks are very nice. Not to expensize but not cheap enough to think that they will not last.

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