best bettas ever

Now we've all calmed down about my FEMALE Betta! She happily lives with a male and another female as well as four Gouramis 12 Tigers and 7 Angels there all best of buddies. As long as the tank is large enough they will be fine I should know it's my flaming tank!! I've had it ages and not a single nip to anyone. Anyway here she is again looking fine.


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wrs said:
oh, and bettas shouldnt go with any kind of barbs, as they will nip at them, and what kind of gouramis? if theyre not dwarf gouramis, they shouldnt be with bettas either. And no sharks with bettas.
I don't mean to sound mean or controversial, but I totally disagree. I have barbs in my tanks with bettas and have not had any problems with them either. In all actuality my barbs and three spot gouramis are terrified of my bettas. Also, I have a rainbow shark in with them and they do great together, they surprisingly sleep in the same cave! I guess though it does depend on the temperment of the fish:)

Oh, and the bettas look great! :thumbs:

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