best bettas ever

wrs said:
Scougie said:
She's most definately female and it's males you shouldn't keep together. They get on just great I've had no problems.
well sorry your wrong. you cant keep male bettas with any other bettas! And you need 4 females. And does she have an egg tube? That looks like a plakat.
She is a female. Gee, I wonder why so many people have female community tanks. -_-
all i said is that it looks like a plakat. and saids in the pic you cant see an egg spot.

and you need 4 females for a community because of aggression.

I thought we were posting best betta pics :huh:'s my bestest boy :wub: Big Daddy himself :hey: :*


  • best1.jpg
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wow!who cares if its an boi or looks great.anyone can me what is an half giant
i think its half regular betta, and half giant betta
nibbles, i love that betta! ive always wanted one like that! I envy you!! lol.
hes finally ready to breed.... hes grown tons since i first got him, and finally builds bubblenests.. (only took him like 6 months)... im not sure who i will try to breed with him.. id like to keep the opaque coloring.. not sure about genetics tho.. i have a CT yellow female i thought i could try... anyone know about genetics and breeding an opaque with something to keep opaque coloring PM me (dont want to hijack thread)

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