Best Algae Eater

Ottos are great, they never bother anybody, not even my guppy fry. And always busy busy. :)
The-Wolf said:
Nisha said:
Brown algae is often caused by lack of light and is quite common during tank start ups. 
sorry nisha
brown algea is not an algea but a diatom

the best way of dealing with it is to increase the light levels, either adding more light or keeping existing light on for longer.

otos will eat itas will apple snails.
Good to know. Most people still reference it as an algae though.
Still, as we both suggested, best bet is to increase light to get rid of it.

i find black mollies to be good algea eater also they keep my tank and plants very clean
OohFeeshy said:
I don't know how well they do on algae but bristlenose plecs are small.
My bristlenose does a spotty job of cleaning algae. When I first introduced him into the tank there was an abundance of algae and he made a big difference. However, he has his spots where he likes to graze and ignores other areas. Generally he's good with rocks and driftwood if they are easy surfaces for him to access and they are fairly smooth, but for some reason he has started ignoring the back and sides of the tank and the glass is starting to turn green. Today I saw him doing a good job on the leaves of my sword plants though. Go figure.
So what exactly are "ottos"? Is that their full name? I'd like to look these up and see if I could add them to my tank cos I have an algae issue too.

Otocinclus affinis


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