Bens Latest

yep get a petrol tanker to pop out and get some :lol:
was 1/3rd full when I left for work this morning! Hope it hurrys up! In 3 days its a year since I paid for it!
Lol maybe it will be filled on exactly it's year anniversary!
Just came home after a 14 hour day to a leak! Its from somewhere around the bottom of the tank connectors. Got a feeling a bit of waters got between the double base and escaped down threads. Just bashed half a tube of silicone in and around the area and no drips for 10 mins it was very slow so il check 2moro. Any more drips and il be emptying it. No drips and the other half tube of silicone will be going on just to be sure!
Great read Ben, hopefully eveything will be sorted. This will make a great looking tank! :good:
Can't wait to see this start to take form, looking at Ben's other tank pics from previous post's it going to be a good one.

Any new pics?
It apears to be dry this morning. Over half way full now too. fired both vortechs up on it for a play. both are on one edge on short pulse in anti-sync. The easily wave to the other edge of teh tank on half power!

il do some pics soon as i promised to go to orange wednesdays with the girlfriend today because we are both off! :)
i can see this tank looking a little like this one

looking forward to pics. :good:
i can see this tank looking a little like this one

looking forward to pics. :good:

i really like that! i ahve no idea how to scape it. i know i need the majority of coral room towards the middle for sps right under the 400 watter. so i might do 2 or 3 small islands then the sides of the islands facing the middle can be SPS and the outsides zoas and rics. il have to have a good play as soon as its salty!
its a nice vid, it almost makes me want to convert!

I'd love to have a go at scaping a s/w tank.
Tank was full when I woke up this morning! So on the anniversary of this thread aswel! Just the sump now! Hopefully that don't take long then I can fire up that return pump and skimmer to make sure its watertight! Chuck a bucket of salt in and its scape time!
remember to open the bucket :lol:

looking forward to pics
I knew it!!!! Mwahaha forget the psychic octopus and all hail psychic sorgan!
Salty water flowing around the tank now, rocks in too. Best purchase so far ...100% got to be the big deltec skimmer. The foam it makes is actually like kiddies bubble bath! Awesome. The big external pump is annoyingly noisey though! And I need to change the way its plumbed in. even with both vortechs off the sand stil goes everywhere! I'm off work with tonsillitis though, my internets gone down and I get next to no 3g signal and my hd sky box went pop too! Bad week! Hope your all well and il be back when I have internet!

Salty water flowing around the tank now, rocks in too. Best purchase so far ...100% got to be the big deltec skimmer. The foam it makes is actually like kiddies bubble bath! Awesome. The big external pump is annoyingly noisey though! And I need to change the way its plumbed in. even with both vortechs off the sand stil goes everywhere! I'm off work with tonsillitis though, my internets gone down and I get next to no 3g signal and my hd sky box went pop too! Bad week! Hope your all well and il be back when I have internet!

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