Ok, so when you call something retarded and don't mean "mentally retarded" or "stupid", then you're saying it's moving slowly or it's progress is delayed? That's whats retarded means when not used in the sense of "mentally retarded". That makes no sense, so your argument makes no sense
No, my arguement was that when saying retarded you weren't slanging or insulting someone mentally retarded. You were using it, SARCASTICALLY. My cousin is "mentally retarded" and he never saw a problem with it.
I'm not going to even bother correcting/arguing with you anymore. Too much work
Yes, you're totally right. *Smiles and nods*
"Loosely used out of ignorance " you said.Your entire post is...
I would love to be told by a 13 year old where I was ignorant in any of my posts
It's just sad that so many people use offensive words because they are "slang"
Anyway, I'm going to bow out now. Go about spouting what you wish. Just be careful who you use it around. Some people may not appreciate it too much. And no, that wasn't a threat; just an observation