Beginner to salwater tanks.

jflowers said:
Navarre, What are reef bones?

And yep LR is expensive £14.50 a kilo here.

:crazy: Is LR really twice as expensive over there??? The average price I pay is $6.50 per US pound for Fiji Live rock. If you drop down to a local area Gulf Rock instead. You can get it as low as $4.99/ US pound. (although it is risky in comparison

Right now 14.50GBP = 27.25USD
So figure after the currency conversion 27.25 per kilo. 1 kilo = 2.2 US pounds
Now factor in the Weight conversion and you are at $12.39 per US pound.

Now I really dont feel bad at all.
TBLightningFan said:
Now factor in the Weight conversion and you are at $12.39 per US pound.

Now I really dont feel bad at all.
Wow, now I don't feel quite so bad about paying $7 a pound for some of my rocks!
Yeps ita that expensive! imagine the costs in volved in filling my new tanks soon :crazy: :fun: :-( :sad:

I think the extra cost is for transportation, the liverock has to be flown rather than shipped so this does push up the price substantually.
I dont envy you Navarre, I needed one large peice to fill a gap when setting up my tank, I selected a lovely looking big rock and when it was wieghed at 6.5Kg I nearly fell over £93!!!! Ouch! Got it though and it came with two swimming crabs, 1 dead, the other thriving and three bristle worms that I can see and maybe a pistol shrimp, as I can hear a regular snapping sound occasionally (hope its not a mantis).

parker313 said:
TBLightningFan said:
Now factor in the Weight conversion and you are at $12.39 per US pound.

Now I really dont feel bad at all.
Wow, now I don't feel quite so bad about paying $7 a pound for some of my rocks!
i bought mine online and spent $450 total on it with shipping, so that works out to $3.75/lb.
What is the cheaper option, i read somewhere on this forum there are a type of dead liecrock excuse the cliche that with time will come back to its former glory? This is cheaper however is it too challenging for a beginner?

Ive become friends with a guy at the LFS, who really does bring his work home. He has a couple saltwater tanks, one with clownfish and tangs in and another with a moray eel in.
Ask for Reefbones. This is dead liverock. It will over time become a bed for bacteria and offer filtration capabilties.


I would still add some liverock if even in a small quantity as this will hold other lifeforms that cannot suddenly appear on reefbones.. tubworms, bristel worms, pods, macro algaes etc. this stuff, whilst not offerig much in the way of extra filtration, does add more lif to the tank and gives it more biodiversity, the more liverock you add with the reefbones the more cross section of life with inhabit the new rock etc.
Ok, thanks.

I'll get a bit of both then, actually ill probably go half half with reefbones to liverock.
Just wanted to make sure that anyone new to salt water knows to put the reef bones under the live rock.
Ok! Thanks, im constantly building up my knowledge little by little... Obviously a lot will come with experience!


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