Beginner - Levels Parameters


New Member
May 14, 2006
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For a new tank which I expect to stock with Tetras and Platys...what levels/parameters should I be aiming for with regard to ammonia, ph, etc?
Hello dt3k,

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - under 40 is advisable
PH - check your tap water.. its easier to work with that than to change it. Stability is a good thing here.

However.. your tap water will probably look a bit like the stats above, but it doesnt stay that way when you add the fish. Fish waste and food waste etc. causes the ammonia levels to rise. Bacteria in filter will develop to break down the ammonia, but that forms nitrites. More bacteria will develop to break down too. This forms the nitrates. bah.. these arent great too, but weekly water changes (dechlorinated) of about 25% will help keep the nitrates at a good level.

All of these levels rising and falling are all part of the nitrogen cycle. Look at the FAQ's in the beginner section for more help on this..

Now.. with regards to the fish. Platies are more hardy than neon tetras. They probably wont last long in a new tank with all of the nitrogen cycle taking place.. These should be added at a later date once the tank is more mature. If its a new tank, you might consider a fishless cycle which is recommended by a lot of people in this hobby.. I did one for the first time a few months ago when i was new to all of this, and found it really usefull... searching on fishless cycling on this forum will give you loads of reading up on it. or look here:

But.. keep researching and dont rush it.. or you will lose fish.. i did. i added fish that should have been in a more mature tank, and i learnt the hard way. It puts you off a bit, so try to avoid that ;)

Good luck, and keep posting your questions, no matter how daft they sound. We all went throught it. I still am :p


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