For decades I've fed my fish beefheart blended with some gelatin and then the congealed mix,microwaved at feeding for 30 seconds or less. After it is frozen,I then cook it slightly i should explain.
Wattleys Discus are fed a blend of beefheart to give you an idea of its health. I have noticed too that fish that love tubifex or even earthworms? beefheart. Loaches,Discus,Angels..fight over it just about. Panda's hoover over it,Clown Loaches wrestle over it. One fish not in the worm eating habit,Rainbows? go for it even if it does take time for them to learn the taste..and when they do they are sharks for it.
There ya go.
Wattleys Discus are fed a blend of beefheart to give you an idea of its health. I have noticed too that fish that love tubifex or even earthworms? beefheart. Loaches,Discus,Angels..fight over it just about. Panda's hoover over it,Clown Loaches wrestle over it. One fish not in the worm eating habit,Rainbows? go for it even if it does take time for them to learn the taste..and when they do they are sharks for it.
There ya go.